2021-10-28 All-Hands Presentation Meeting Notes
Presenter: Sinha, Eva
Title: Towards improving crop representation in the E3SM land model
Abstract: Anthropogenic actions have resulted in 11% of the global land being used for agriculture. Agriculture alters the climate through its impact on biogeophysical and biogeochemical properties of the terrestrial ecosystem. Improved agricultural representation in Earth System Models, in the form of adequate representation of various crop types and crop management practices, is required to study the impact of agriculture on global and regional climate. In this talk, I will present my research work on 1) incorporating bioenergy crops, whose production increases in modeled socioeconomic pathways owing to their potential for mitigating climate change, in the E3SM Land Model (ELM), and 2) implementing agricultural management practice of crop rotation in ELM and calibrating and validating the model using spatially varying observations for corn soybean rotation in the US-Midwest.
- PT: 8:30 am
- ET: 11:30 am
Call Info
- web session: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/570361173
- call number: (571) 317-3122 Access Code: 570-361-173, If busy, use alternate number: (773) 945-1029
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