2021-03-18 All-Hands Presentation Meeting Notes
Presenter: jacob.shpund (Unlicensed)
Title: Evaluation of the Predicted Particles Properties (P3) microphysical scheme in E3SMv2
The Predicted Particle Properties (P3) bulk microphysics scheme (Morrison and Milbrandt, 2015) represents a significant advance from traditional bulk schemes where ice-phase particles are artificially partitioned into several different predefined categories with fixed properties. The scheme prognoses 4 bulk ice-phase variables (number and mass concentration, rimed-mass, and rimed-volume) which allow continuous ice particle evolution to be simulated through the full range of growth processes - from initial nucleation as ice crystals, followed by depositional growth, aggregation, and riming (dry/wet growth). A particular benefit in P3 is the inclusion of rimed particles (graupel/hail) that are important cloud microphysical components in mixed and deep convective clouds, but are not included in the MG2 cloud microphysics scheme (Gettelman and Morrison, 2015) used in E3SMv2.
In this work, we implemented a single-category P3 microphysical scheme in an E3SMv2 release candidate. Multi-year simulations with P3 and MG2 at 1-degree resolution are compared. The model results are evaluated by using various observable climatological products (e.g. cloud radiative forcing and precipitation), as well as cloud-related products (e.g. ice and liquid water path and cloud fraction) using cloud and satellite simulators.
Overall, the P3 microphysics shows a comparable climatology to MG2. P3 improves both the cloud shortwave and longwave radiative forcing in the Northern Hemisphere and the high cloud fraction in the Tropics. The ice water path is increased with P3 compared with MG2, and the frequency of heavy precipitation rates over the continental US is larger with P3 and more consistent with observations. There are specific areas needed further improvements such as relatively low liquid water content at midlatitudes, and low-cloud fractions over the Southern Hemisphere.
- PT: 8:30 am
- ET: 11:30 am
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- Luke Van Roekel
- jacob.shpund (Unlicensed)
- Jiwen Fan (Unlicensed)
- Ruby Leung
- Jim Benedict
- Darin Comeau
- Jon Wolfe
- Jayesh Krishna
- Matt Turner (Unlicensed)
- Matt Hoffman
- Chris Golaz
- Sha Feng
- Qing Li (Unlicensed)
- Qi Tang
- Steven Brus
- Stephen Price
- Trevor Hillebrand
- Nicole Jeffery
- Teklu Tesfa
- Carolyn Begeman
- Katherine Smith
- Oksana Guba
- Bryce Harrop
- Chris Terai
- Marcus van Lier-Walqui (Unlicensed)
- Shaocheng Xie
- Andy Salinger
- Mingxuan Wu
- Peter Caldwell
- Yilin Fang
- Peter Bogenschutz
- Hyun-Gyu Kang
- David C. Bader
- Steve Klein
- Peter Schwartz
- Xiaohong Liu (Unlicensed)
- Yan Feng
- Mikhail Ovchinnikov
- Mathew Maltrud
- Ryan Forsyth
- Nicole Jeffery
- Amrapalli Garanaik (Unlicensed)
- Teklu Tesfa
- Katherine Smith
- Xubin Zeng
- Mark Taylor
- Susannah Burrows
- Trevor Hillebrand
- Qi Tang
- Xujing Jia Davis
- Phil Rasch
- Shixuan Zhang
- Karthik Balaguru