2021-09-30 All-Hands Presentation Meeting Notes
Presenter: Darin Comeau
Title: The E3SM Cryosphere Simulation Campaign: Wrapping up v1 and looking towards v2
Abstract: The key distinguishing feature of the E3SM Cryosphere Science Campaign is the improved physical representation of mass fluxes from the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the ocean. The key additional capability is the extension of the ocean domain beneath Antarctic Ice Shelves, allowing for prognostic calculations of ice-shelf basal melting across the continent. As the v1 campaign results near publication, I will give a brief overview of these results, and discuss some of the challenges with the addition of the new coupling of the prognostic ice-shelf basal melt calculations. I will then turn the attention to the v2 Cryosphere Simulation Campaign, where we will make use of the newly developed Southern Ocean Regionally Refined Mesh (SORRM) configuration for the ocean and sea-ice components.
- PT: 8:30 am
- ET: 11:30 am
Call Info
- web session: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/570361173
- call number: (571) 317-3122 Access Code: 570-361-173, If busy, use alternate number: (773) 945-1029
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- Darin Comeau
- LeAnn Conlon
- Wuyin Lin
- Ruby Leung
- Michael J Prather
- Jon Wolfe
- Shixuan Zhang
- Qi Tang
- Carolyn Begeman
- Jeffrey Johnson
- Andrew Roberts
- Matt Hoffman
- Holly Davis (Unlicensed)
- Jim Benedict
- Milena Veneziani
- Trevor Hillebrand
- Jill Chengzhu Zhang
- Katherine Smith
- Hailong Wang
- Charlie Zender
- Nicole Jeffery
- Ryan Forsyth
- Alice Barthel
- Chris Golaz