2021-09-02 All-Hands Presentation Meeting Notes

Presenter: Milena Veneziani

Title:  Antarctic dense water formation in coastal and open-ocean polynyas in E3SM-HR

AbstractAntarctic Bottom Water is an important component of the Meridional Overturning Circulation in the ocean. It forms through ocean-atmosphere-sea ice flux interactions in coastal and open ocean polynyas (OOPs) around Antarctica. Here, we investigate Antarctic dense water formation in the E3SM-HR simulation. The model reproduces the major Antarctic coastal polynyas, and several occurrences of OOPs in the Weddell Sea at a higher rate than observations, but similarly to other high resolution Earth System Model simulations. In addition, the densest water masses in the model are formed within the OOPs, rather than on the continental shelf, as is typically observed. We hypothesize that an overly vigorous atmospheric circulation at the coast - the polar easterlies - could produce strong poleward Ekman transport, which in turn would cause a build up of sea ice over the continental shelf and enhanced ice melting during the summer season. This would explain the formation of ambient waters on the continental shelf that are overly fresh and less dense relative to observations. 





  • PT: 8:30 am
  • ET: 11:30 am

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30 min

Antarctic dense water formation in coastal and open-ocean polynyas in E3SM-HR

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

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