ACME Fall Meeting Sessions Charge and Expected Outcome
This is a digest of the content as in the Agenda and from the individual meeting note pages, linked here. It is put together here in attempt to make it easier to look at all the sessions and the Charge and Expectations for each session.
Monday 11-02
- 2015-11-02 ACME Fall Meeting - Individual Group Parallel Meetings, 8:50 - 2:10pm, (1h 30 min individual group meetings, then 5 min report back from each group)
- Charge and Expected Outcomes
- GLs need to prepare/revise/re-base the 12-month roadmaps (Jan1, 2016 - Dec 31, 2016) for their group before the meeting
- All attendees need to read roadmaps of all other groups before coming to the meeting
- GLs to prepare the agenda around the topics below
- Status of all deliverables in current roadmap (12 month till end of June 2016)
- Major Issues blocking progress / intersections with other groups
- List of proposed publications to be started within a year (end of Sept 2016) - template for proposed publications will be provided soon
- Any revisions to the 12-month roadmap
- 2015-11-02 ACME Fall Meeting - Reconcile Experiment Plans Against ACME v1.0-alpha Code, 2:10 - 3:10 pm, (science GLs 15 min presentation + 15 min discussion)
- Charge and Expected Outcome
- Concise experiment list and priorities for each experiment with list of changes from original plan (and taking into account accepted new features for ACME v1.0) including:
- precise description of each simulation in campaign
- Experimental plan needs to be realistic in terms of time and compute resources
- 2015-11-02 ACME Fall Meeting - ACME v1.0-alpha Component Testing Workshop, 3:30 - 4:30pm, (30 min coupled group presentation + 30 min discussion)
- Charge and Expected Outcomes
- Coupled Group to develop Strawman for ACME v1.0-Alpha Testing before the workshop, with revised plan as an outcome of this session
- 2015-11-02 ACME Fall Meeting - ACME v1.0-beta Tuning Workshop, 4:30 - 5:30pm, (science GLs + performance GLs 10 min presentation + 20 min discussion)
- Charge and Expected Outcomes
- Component Group Leaders to provide ahed of meeting a list of individual component parameterizations likely to require re-tuning in coupled model.
- Performance Group Leaders to provide Performance tuning plans
- Outcome is the plan for first steps for coupled system tuning.
- 2015-11-02 ACME Fall Meeting - Evening Council + GLs Meeting (straw man for roadmapping), 5:30 - 7:00 pm / dinner
- Charge and Expected Outcomes
- Prepare/revise your group's 12-month re-based roadmap (Jan1, 2016 - Dec 31, 2016)
- Read roadmaps of all other groups before coming to the meeting
Tuesday 11-03
- 2015-11-03 ACME Fall Meeting - ACME v2.0 Science Driver Experiments8:05 - 8:35 am, (open discussion water cycle, cryosphere and BGC (10 minutes each) )
- Charge and Expected Outcomes
- Prepare strawman science driver experiments plan for the ACME v2.0.
- 2015-11-03 ACME Fall Meeting - ACME v2.0 Current and Planned Development, 8:35 - 9:15 am, (science GLs 10 min presentation + 10 min discussion )
- Charge and Expected Outcomes
- List of current and planned development for the ACME v2.0 with best estimate of completion dates (PR ready dates), take into account plan to complete code review process for each development.
- 2015-11-03 ACME Fall Meeting - ACME v2.0 Experiments Plng, 9:15 - 9:45 am, (science GLs 10 min presentation + 10 min discussion )
- Charge and Expected Outcomes
- Prepare strawman experiments plan for the ACME v2.0
- 2015-11-03 ACME Fall Meeting - 12 mnth Roadmapping Plenary, 10:00 -10:35am, (5 min each group GLs presentation)
- Charge and Expected Outcomes
- 5 min presentation from each group GLs on the changes to the roadmap as discussed on the evening council meeting from the day before.
- 2015-11-03 ACME Fall Meeting - Coupled Experiments Process Run, 10:35 - 12:00pm, (science GLs 20 min presentation + 30 min discussion )
- Charge and Expected Outcomes
- As detailed as possible Tasks/Assignments/Dates plan for executing the simulation runs, with identification of a possible individual responsible for overall simulation, and all tasks needed from process run.
- 2015-11-03, 2015-11-04 ACME Fall Meeting - Refined 12 Month Roadmap, Indv Grp, 11/03 1:20 - 2:30 pm, 11/04 1:30 - 2:40 pm, (40 min each group individual meeting, parallel, then report back 5 min each)
- Charge and Expected Outcomes,
- GLs to organize discussion around possible changes to the 12 month roadmap (Jan1, 2016 - Dec 31, 2016) based on the previous sessions
- Outcome: Revised 12-month roadmap
- 2015-11-03 ACME Fall Meeting - Evening Council + GLs Meeting, 5:30 - 7:00 pm / dinner
- Charge and Expected Outcomes — no charge
Wednesday 11-04
- 2015-11-04 ACME Fall Meeting - Cross-Grp Speed Dating, 8:05 - 12:20 am, (30 min each of 6 groups one-on-one, then 10 min report back from each group)
- Charge and Expected Outcomes
- Discuss any intersections and interactions needed between the groups, with particular attention to any cross-group dependencies for the v1.0 experiments tasks.
- 2015-11-04 ACME Fall Meeting - Tutorials: WF, SE – Plenary, 3:00 - 3:50 pm
- 2015-11-04 ACME Fall Meeting - Hands on Workshops - Parallel, 3:50 - 4:40 pm
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