ACME 2015 Fall Meeting Agenda

ACME Fall Meeting, November 2-4, 2015, Albuquerque, New Mexico

DurationTime Start - Time EndSession / Confluence PagePlenary Room - AmbassadorBreakOut Room #1 - RoxyBreakOut Room #2 - Registry

Poster Room - Regal

Monday, Nov 2nd, 2015
1 h7:00 - 8:00Continental breakfast

Poster Room - Regal

Poster Set-Up

45 min8:00 - 8:45am    

Plenary: Intro, Dave, Dorothy, Gerald, Mark, Renata


5 min8:00 - 8:05
 Welcome and LogisticsDavid C. Bader

15 min8:05 - 8:20

25 min8:20 - 8:45

3h 20 min8:50 - 2:10pm

Individual Group Parallel Meetings


Chair: Mark Taylor

Plenary Room - Ambassador

BreakOut Room #1 - Roxy

BreakOut Room #2 - Registry

1h 30 min8:50 -10:20

20 min10:20 - 10:40amBreak

Poster Room - Regal

Poster Set-Up

1h 30 min10:40 - 12:10

1 hour       20 min12:10 - 1:30pmLunch

Poster Room - Regal

Poster Set-Up

40 min1:30 - 2:10 pm

Report Back from Each Group:


5 min1:30 - 1:35

5 min1:35 - 1:40

5 min1:40 - 1:45

5 min1:45 - 1:50

5 min1:50 - 1:55

5 min1:55 - 2:00

10min2:00 - 2:10


1h2:10 - 3:10 pm

Reconcile Experiment Plans against ACME v1.0-alpha Code (3xGLs)


15 min2:10 - 2:25

15 min2:25 - 2:40

Cryosphere Experiment PlanPresentation  

 Todd Ringler (Unlicensed)Stephen Price

15 min2:40 - 2:55


2:55 -



20 min3:10 - 3:30pmBreak

1h3:30 - 4:30pm

ACME v1.0-alpha Testing

Deliverable - Detailed Plan / Definition of Success/Failure / Alternatives when critical path compromised, Back up Plan


30 min3:30 - 4:00

Strawman for ACME v1.0-Alpha Testing - Presentation

Coupled Group David C. Bader, Mark Taylor

30 min4:00 - 4:30

1h4:30 - 5:30pm

ACME v1.0-beta Tuning

Deliverable - Detailed Plan of Experiments, Metrics, Expected Results, Possible Compromises, Unacceptable Behavior, Back up Plan


10 min4:30 - 4:40

Component parameterizations requiring re-tuning, /wiki/spaces/ATM/pages/34112189

Atmosphere GLs Phil Rasch ( (Unlicensed), Shaocheng Xie

10 min4:40 - 4:50

Component parameterizations requiring re-tuning, parameterizations_ALM.pptx

Land GLs Peter Thornton, William Riley (Unlicensed)

10 min4:50 - 5:00

10 min5:00 - 5:10

Performance tuning plans, presentation

Performance GLs Patrick Worley (Unlicensed),  Philip Jones 

20 min5:10 - 5:30

1h 30 min/ over dinner

5:30 - 7:00 pm

Dinner / Evening Council + GLs Meeting (straw man for roadmapping) Dinner Meeting


1h7:00 - 8:00 pmBreakout sessions

Plenary Room - Ambassador

Convection Shaocheng Xie

Agenda: /wiki/spaces/ATM/pages/38993958

BreakOut Room #2 - Registry

V1 Code merge, Andy Salinger

Tuesday, Nov 3rd, 2015
1 h7:00 - 8:00Continental breakfast

Poster Room - Regal

Poster Set-Up

5 min8:00 - 8:05 amTuesday opening and schedule - David C. Bader

30 min8:05 - 8:35 am

ACME v2 science driver experiments


10 min8:05 - 8:15
Watercycle - open discussion

10 min8:15 - 8:25
Cryosphere - open discussion

10 min8:25 - 8:35
BGC - open discussion

50 min8:35 - 9:25 am

ACME v2.0 Current and Planned Development


10 min8:35 - 8:45

10 min8:45 - 8:55

ACME v2.0 Current and Planned Development /wiki/spaces/OCNICE/pages/30442728 

Ocean/Ice, Todd Ringler (Unlicensed)Stephen Price

10 min8:55 - 9:05

20 min9:05 - 9:25

50 min9:25 - 10:15 am

ACME v2.0 Experiments Planning


10 min9:25 - 9:35
Atmosphere Group v2.0 experiments plan presentationPhil Rasch ( (Unlicensed)Shaocheng Xie

10 min9:35 - 9:45

10 min9:45 - 9:55

20 min

9:55 -



20 min10:15 - 10:35 amBreak

1h 30 min10:35 - 12:00pm

Coupled Experiments Process Run

Deliverable - Detailed Tasks/Assignments/Dates plan


Chair:  Peter Thornton 

20 min10:35 - 10:55 am

Watercycle Experiment Process Run Plan presentation Phil Rasch ( (Unlicensed)Shaocheng Xie

20 min10:55 - 11:15 pm
Cryosphere Experiment Process Run Plan presentation Todd Ringler (Unlicensed)Stephen Price

20 min11:15 - 11:35 pm
BGC Experiment Process Run Plan presentation Peter ThorntonWilliam Riley (Unlicensed)

25 min11:35 - 12:00 pm

1h 20 min12:00 - 1:20 pmLunch

1h1:20 - 2:00 pm

Refined 12 Month Roadmap, Individual Groups - Parallel


Chair: Stephen Price

Plenary Room - Ambassador

BreakOut Room #1 - Roxy

BreakOut Room #2 - Registry

40 min1:20 - 2:00 pm

25 min2:05 - 2:30pm

Report Back from Refined 12 month roadmap Individual Groups


Chair:  Stephen Price 

5 min2:05 - 2:10

5 min2:10 - 2:15

5 min2:15 - 2:20

10 min

2:20 - 2:30


20 min2:30 - 2:50 pmBreak

40 min2:50 - 3:30 pm
ACME Group Picture, Awards and Entertainment Dorothy Koch (Unlicensed)
Chair:  Stephen Price 

Poster Room - Regal
10 min2:50 - 3:00

ACME Group Picture
10 min3:00 - 3:10

ACME Awards
20 min3:10 - 3:30 pm


3:30- 5:30 pm

Poster Session

Poster Room - Regal
1h 55 min3:30 - 5:25

Poster Session
5 min5:25 - 5:30

Poster Take Down

1h 30 min/ over dinner

5:30 - 7:00 pm

Dinner / Evening Council + GLs Meeting Dinner Meeting


1h7:00 - 8:00 pmBreakout sessions

Plenary Room - Ambassador

Elevation Classes

BreakOut Room #1 - Roxy

Offline land model Daniel Ricciuto

Breakout #7

Poster Room - Regal

Poster Take Down

Wednesday, Nov 4th, 2015
1 h7:00 - 8:00Continental breakfast

5 min8:00 - 8:05 amWednesday opening and schedule - David C. Bader

Room not available
3h8:05 - 11:00 am

Cross-Group Speed Dating, Parallel


Chair:  Phil Rasch ( (Unlicensed) 

Plenary Room - Ambassador

BreakOut Room #1 - Roxy

BreakOut Room #2 - Registry

Room not available

30 min8:10 - 8:40

A-P: Atmosphere - Performance Groups

W-L: Workflow - Land Groups

O-S: Ocean/Ice - SE/CPL Groups

30 min8:45 -  9:15

A-L: Atmosphere - Land Groups

W-S: Workflow - SE/CPL Groups

O-P: Ocean/Ice - Performance Groups

30 min9:20 - 9:50

A-S: Atmosphere - SE/CPL Groups

W-O: Workflow - Ocean/Ice Groups

L-P: Land - Performance Groups

20 min9:50 - 10:10 amBreak

30 min10:10 - 10:40

A-O: Atmosphere - Ocean/Ice Groups

L-S: Land - SE/CPL Groups


P-W: Performance -Workflow Groups

30 min10:45 - 11:15

A-W: Atmosphere - Workflow Groups

L-O: Land - Ocean/Ice Groups

P-S: Performance -SE/CPL Groups

1h11:20 -12:20 pm

Report Back from Speed Dating


Room not available

10 min11:20 - 11:30

10 min11:30 - 11:40

10 min11:40 - 11:50

10 min11:50 - 12:00

10 min12:00 - 12:10

10 min12:10 - 12:20

1h 10 min12:20 - 1:30 pmLunch

40 min1:30 - 2:10 pm

Refined 12 month roadmap, Individual Group - Parallel


Chair: Shaocheng Xie

Plenary Room - Ambassador

BreakOut Room #1 - Roxy

BreakOut Room #2 - Registry

Room not available

40 min1:30 - 2:10

25 min2:15 - 2:40 pm

Report Back from Refined 12 month roadmap Individual Groups


Room not available

5 min2:15 - 2:20

5 min2:20 - 2:25

5 min2:25 - 2:30

10 min

2:30 - 2:40


20 min2:40 - 3:00 pmBreak

1h 20 min3:00 - 3:50 pm

Tutorials: Workflow, SE - Plenary


Chair: Philip Jones 

Plenary Room - Roxy

Room not available

20 min3:00 - 3:20
ESGF CoG - New Web Interface Tutorial JohnH (Unlicensed)

30 min3:20 - 3:50
Climatology Generation Hands-on Charlie Zender - smn_nco_acme_201511.pdf

30 min3:50 - 4:20

ACME scripts overview James Foucar


30 min4:20 - 4:50 pm

Hands on /Office hour Workshops - Parallel


Chair: Philip Jones 

Plenary Room - Ambassador

BreakOut Room #1 - Roxy

BreakOut Room #2 - Registry

Room not available

30 min4:20 - 4:50

10 min4:50 - 5:00 pm

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