2015-11-04 Fall Meeting Retrospective

ParticipantsACME All List (Unlicensed) 



This is a retrospective of the ACME Fall Meeting with the aim to improve on the next ACME meeting. Please note what you liked and did not like about the meeting, what you would like to see improved, where did you feel like there was not enough time or if there was too much time spend on something, or maybe something did not get covered that you would like to see added to the next meeting.

Bare in mind that this was a “Most-Hands” meeting and not “All-Hands” meeting and its purpose was to work on planning for next year and for July production runs. Please let us know if you found it useful and fulfilling its purpose. Did you think we had a right amount of participation or maybe next time you’d rather see it a smaller, leadership only meeting?


If you are agreeing with the statement already made, just add '+1' at the end of a statement, so we have an approximate count on how many votes are for a particular item.


What did we do well?

  • Cross-group speed dating still very effective part of these meetings +5

  • Meeting was worthwhile. +2
  • Participation level was appropriate. +1
  • Recognition of people going 'above and beyond' with awards was good. +3
  • The musical entertainment was a highlight. +3

What should we have done better?

  • Office hours at the very end was an epic fail  
    • The concept is good, it just didn't seem to happen.
    • It wasn't clear from the agenda what the purpose of this time was, and many people had scheduled travel to return home that evening.+1
  • Report-outs from parallel sessions weren't very effective +3
  • Suggest several small rooms for team/task collaboration and/or coding to take advantage of co-location 
  • Missed important connections due to others not being present. Now need to spend more time and funds to attend another meeting to make those connections.
  • Many discussions could have occurred with a much smaller group of people. +1
  • One component-group breakout session per meeting seems enough.
  • Webinar sessions were not working great (especially in the break-out rooms). Not easy to ask questions through the chat feature. 



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