Atmosphere Speed dating notes
- need someone on the land side to help with aerosol deposition on snow and subsequent impacts
- bugfix on snow grain size
- find a way to state consequences of atmosphere side to land into the "requirements document" use "code review process", "request hub"
- when are the BC runs going to start.
- there might be better CLM configurations for the atmosphere model to tune with rather than the satellite phenology. Land can provide IC good enough, but not the same as the BGC, better than satellite.
- agreement to deputize a small group to look at verification datasets of mutual interest to Land/Atmosphere
Atmospere-SE speed dating
- Discuss testing: need for new tests during the code review process
- brief discussion on making new features default.
- SE team will provide template scripts for implementing new tests,
- discussed difficulties with MIRA
- strategies for making commits to master
- need for testing of resubmit capability
Atmosphere - Ocean speed dating
- Low-res ocean model + L72 ATM - Coupled runs
- Two BGC experiments, CORE-II B compset, ocean will take the responsibility for B compset in the next coupled of days
- Atmospheric chemistry in BGC in low res model? Opportunities with high order mode aerosol models
- A proto-type simulation to demonstrate BGC for V2? – to bring in all the BGC chemistry together
Atmosphere-Workflow speed dating
- Workflow: the workflow team created a table that includes tools, components, who is responsible, what the actual hardware, etc. Will pass the workflow to the atm team and seek for feedback.
- Hardware: tools are developed at a particular platform, the plan is to get stuff right and move them to top 2 platforms
- diagnostics: the loose coupling interface is very helpful, most diagnostics are currently done with other diagnostics package such as AMWG. Work with the workflow team to use uvcdat to replace other diagnostics
- Provide two user cases to testing the loose coupling concept
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