ACME PI Meeting Agenda

ACME All-Hands PI Meeting May 5-7, 2015, Tysons, VA

Agenda in pdf format: Agenda_ACME_PI_Meeting_Tysons_VA_May_2015.pdf

Conference Rooms Chart Sheraton-Capacity-Charts.pdf


total timetotal timetimingSession/ Confluence Page

Plenary Room (FairFax B - Lobby)

BreakOut 1 (Presidential Theater - Lower Lobby)Breakout 2 (Madison - Lower Lobby)BreakOut 3 (Montpelier - Lower Lobby)

Posters Room (Great Falls - Lobby)

Tuesday 5/5/2015        
2h 8:00 - 10:00 am



Chair: David C. Bader    
 5 min8:00 - 8:05 Welcome and Logistics - David C. Bader    
 10 min8:05 - 8:15 ACME Agency and Interagency Perspectives - Gerald Geernaert     
 15 min8:15 - 8:30 

DOE Program Perspectives - Dorothy Koch (Unlicensed)

Koch ACME PI May 2015.pptx

 30 min8:30 - 9:00 

ACME Vision and Project Status - David C. Bader


 20 min9:00 - 9:20 

Agile Project Management - Perspective and Status - Renata McCoy


 20 min9:20 - 9:40 

Science Perspective and Status - Bill Collins (Unlicensed)


 20 min9:40 - 10:00 

Computation Perspective and Status - Mark Taylor


 15 min10:00 - 10:15 am Break    
1h 45min 10:15 - 12:00 pm

ACME Group Overview and Roadmaps


Chair: Mark Taylor    
 15 min10:15 - 10:30 Atmosphere Group - Phil Rasch ( (Unlicensed), Shaocheng Xie
 15 min10:30 - 11:00 

Ocean/Ice Group - Philip Jones, Todd Ringler (Unlicensed), ACMEOcnIceAllHands2015.pdf

 15 min11:00 - 11:15 

Land Group - Peter Thornton, William Riley (Unlicensed)

ACME Land Group Overview and Roadmaps.pptx

 15 min11:15 - 11:30 

Coupled Group - David C. Bader, Bill Collins (Unlicensed), Mark Taylor


 15 min11:30 - 11:45 

Software Engineering / Coupler Group - Robert Jacob, Andy Salinger


 15 min11:45 - 12:00 

Workflow Group - Dean N. Williams (Unlicensed), Kate Evans (Unlicensed)


 15 min12:00 - 12:15 

Performance Group - Patrick Worley (Unlicensed), Hans Johansen (Unlicensed)


1h1h12:15-1:15 pm LUNCH    
1h 30 min 1:15-2:45

Plenary Tutorials #1

Chair: Mark Taylor    
 1h 30 min1:15-2:45/wiki/spaces/CNCL/pages/23200165

SE Plenary Tutorial - Robert Jacob, Andy Salinger

Tutorial on model development, git and repository in the form of a presentation

20150506-GitTutorial.pdf, ACME_Testing.pdf

1h 2:45-3:45 pm

Invited Posters Presentations


Chair: Phil Rasch ( (Unlicensed)    

Invited Presentations

A New Topography-based Subgrid Architecture for Land Surface Modeling, Teklu Tesfa and Ruby Leung


 10min2:55 - 3:05 

New theory for ecosystem nutrient competition, representation of plant traits, and improved advective solution improves ALM simulations William Riley (Unlicensed)Qing ZhuJinyun TangCharles Koven (Unlicensed)

Link to presentation: WJRiley ACME Team meeting presentation.pdf

 10min3:05 - 3:15 

Atmospheric Chemistry in ACME Philip Cameron-Smith (Unlicensed)Susannah BurrowsScott Elliott (Unlicensed)

ACME, Atmospheric Chemistry (Presentation v1.1), Cameron-Smith, 2015.pdf

 10min3:15 - 3:25 

Lessons learned from the “high-res” project, the importance of atmospheric variability and suggested improved testing Tianyu Jiang (Unlicensed)Kate Evans (Unlicensed)Mark TaylorJim Hack (Unlicensed)Peter Caldwell


 10min3:25 - 3:35 Single-Column Modeling in ACME. Presenter=Jeffrey Johnson (Unlicensed). Coauthors= Peter Caldwell and Kai Zhang. Link to talk:    
 10min3:35 - 3:45 

Short simulations for efficient model evaluation, tuning and calibration: Strategy, Framework and Early Results Yun QianHui WanPhil Rasch ( (Unlicensed)Wuyin Lin, and Shaocheng Xie


 15 min3:45 - 4:00 Break    
1h 30 min 4:00-5:30Plenary Tutorials #2Chair: Robert Jacob    
 45 min4:00 - 4:45/wiki/spaces/CNCL/pages/23200173

Workflow Group Plenary Tutorials - Dean N. Williams (Unlicensed), BenjaminM (Unlicensed), Sasha Ames, Aashish Chaudhary (Unlicensed), (Jeffrey Painter (Unlicensed) or Former user (Deleted))

Workflow Tutorials in the form of a presentation


 45 min

4:45 -



Planning and JIRA Plenary Tutorial - Renata McCoy

Tutorials on Roadmapping, Planning and JIRA in the form of a presentation


1h 30min1h 30min5:30 - 7:00 pm DINNER    
1h1h7:00 - 8:00pm 


Convection Shaocheng Xie


Council Meeting #1/2


Deep Dive


Philip Jones

Poster Setup
Wednesday 5/6/2015        
1h 45min 8:00 - 9:50

Plenary Coupled Simulations


Chair: Philip Jones    
 5min8-8:05 Wednesday opening and schedule - David C. Bader    
 10min8:05 - 8:15 Awards Ceremony - Sharlene Weatherwax    
 40 min8:15 -8:55 

V1.0 roadmap capabilities Bill Collins (Unlicensed)


 40 min8:55 - 9:35 

Coupled Experiments Timeline Bill Collins (Unlicensed)


 15 min9:35-9:50 Discussion Bill Collins (Unlicensed)    
 10 min9:50-10:00 Break    
3h 20min 10:00 - 2:20 pm

Group Meetings - Parallel Sessions


Chair: David C. Bader    
 10min10:00 - 10:10 Charge for Group Meetings - David C. Bader    
 1h10:15 - 11:15parallel 

Atmosphere Group - Agenda: Phil Rasch ( (Unlicensed), Shaocheng Xie


Ocean/Ice Group - Agenda: Philip Jones, Todd Ringler (Unlicensed)


 Land Group - Agenda: Peter Thornton, William Riley (Unlicensed)Poster Setup
 1h11:20 - 12:20paralllel Coupled Group - Agenda: David C. Bader, Bill Collins (Unlicensed), Mark TaylorSubgrid Elevation Classes: Steve Ghan (Unlicensed) Land group - Work on merged development #1/2 : Peter ThorntonPoster Setup
55min 55min12:20 - 1:20 pm Lunch    
 1h1:20 - 2:20parallel Workflow Group - Agenda: Dean N. Williams (Unlicensed), Kate Evans (Unlicensed)Software Engineering / Coupler Group - Agenda: Robert Jacob, Andy Salinger

 Performance Group - Agenda:/wiki/spaces/PERF/pages/23855165

 Patrick Worley (Unlicensed), Hans Johansen (Unlicensed), Philip Jones

Poster Setup


 2:25 - 3:00 pm

Group's Report Back


Chair: David C. Bader    
 5 min2:25 - Atmosphere Group - Phil Rasch ( (Unlicensed), Shaocheng Xie, see /wiki/spaces/ATM/pages/23200138    
 5 min2:30 - Ocean/Ice Group - Philip Jones, Todd Ringler (Unlicensed)    
 5 min2:35 - Land Group - Peter Thornton, William Riley (Unlicensed)    
 5 min2:40 - Coupled Group - David C. Bader, Bill Collins (Unlicensed), Mark Taylor    
 5 min2:45 - Software Engineering / Coupler Group - Robert Jacob, Andy Salinger    
 5 min2:50 - Workflow Group - Dean N. Williams (Unlicensed), Kate Evans (Unlicensed)    
 5 min2:55 - Performance Group - Patrick Worley (Unlicensed), Hans Johansen (Unlicensed)    
 10 min3:00-3:10 Break    
1h 45 min 3:10 - 5:00Poster Session / Hands-On / Hackathon     
 15min3:10 - 3:25     Entertainment and music Philip Jones
 2h 3:30 - 5:30parallelWorkflow Hands-On

ACME Hackathon

A room/time for anyone in ACME to work with colleagues together over a laptop on any development.  

  Poster Session
1h 30min

1h 30min

5:30 - 7:00 DINNER    
1h1h7:00 - 8:00pm 


'v0.1 AMIP runs', Peter Caldwell


Council Meeting #2/2


 7pm - 9pm Continued Poster Session - for the late night enthusiasts!
Thursday 5/7/2015        
 15min8-8:15 Poster Take Down    
1h 45 min 8:15 - 10:30

Hands On Tutorials


Chair: Dean N. Williams (Unlicensed)    
 5min8:15-8:20 Thursday Opening and schedule - Dean N. Williams (Unlicensed)    
 1h 30min

8:20 -



Workflow - Hands On

Organizers:  Dean N. Williams (Unlicensed), Kate Evans (Unlicensed)

SE/CPL - Hands On

Organizers: Robert Jacob, Andy Salinger

JIRA - Hands On

Organizer: Renata McCoy

 Land group - Work on merged development #2/2 :  Peter Thornton  
 10min9:50- 10:00pm Break    
2h 10 min 10:00 - 1:25

Cross Group Speed Dating


Chair: Peter Thornton    
 5min10:00 -10:05 Cross Group Speed Dating Charge - Peter Thornton    
 25min10:05 - 10:30parallel


A-P: Atmosphere - Performance Groups

Discussion Leaders: Group Leads

W-L: Workflow - Land Groups

Discussion Leaders: Group Leads


O-S: Ocean/Ice - SE/CPL Groups

Discussion Leaders: Group Leads

 25min10:35 - 11:00parallel


A-L: Atmosphere - Land Groups

Discussion Leaders: Group Leads

W-S: Workflow - SE/CPL Groups

Discussion Leaders: Group Leads


O-P: Ocean/Ice - Performance Groups

Discussion Leaders: Group Leads

 25min11:05 - 11:30parallel


A-S: Atmosphere - SE/CPL Groups

Discussion Leaders: Group Leads

W-O: Workflow - Ocean/Ice Groups

Discussion Leaders: Group Leads


L-P: Land - Performance Groups

Discussion Leaders: Group Leads

 25min11:35 - 12:00parallel


L-S: Land - SE/CPL Groups

Discussion Leaders: Group Leads

A-O: Atmosphere - Ocean/Ice Groups

Discussion Leaders: Group Leads


W-P: Workflow - Performance Groups

Discussion Leaders: Group Leads

 1h1h12:00 -1:00 LUNCH    
 25min1:00 - 1:25parallel


A-W: Atmosphere - Workflow Groups

Discussion Leaders: Group Leads

L-O: Land - Ocean/Ice Groups

Discussion Leaders: Group Leads


S-P: SE/CPL - Performance Groups

Discussion Leaders: Group Leads

60 min 1:30 - 2:30

Report Back from Cross Group Speed Dating


Chair: Peter Thornton    

60 min


x 6


Report from each group:

A, L, O, P, S, W - what did you learn from other groups that is important to and affects your group

 10min2:30- 2:40pm Break    
1h 10 min 2:40 - 3:50

Parallel Sessions - Coupled Simulations


 Chair: Dean N. Williams (Unlicensed)    
 5min2:40 -2:45 Coupled Simulation Sessions Charge - David C. Bader    



Watercycle Coupled Simulation Discussion


 Phil Rasch ( (Unlicensed), Shaocheng Xie

Cryosphere Coupled Simulation Discussion  Philip Jones, Todd Ringler (Unlicensed)BGC Coupled Simulation Discussion  Peter Thornton, William Riley (Unlicensed) 
30 min 3:55 - 4:20

Report Back - Coupled Simulations


 Chair: Dean N. Williams (Unlicensed)    
 10min3:55 - 4:05 Report Back from Watercycle Coupled Simulation Discussion  Phil Rasch ( (Unlicensed),  Shaocheng Xie      
 10min4:05 - 4:15 

Report Back from Cryosphere Coupled Simulation Discussion  Stephen Price, Todd Ringler (Unlicensed) 


 10min4:15 - 4:25 Report Back from BGC Coupled Simulation Discussion  Peter Thornton, William Riley (Unlicensed)    
 10min4:25-4:35 Break    
30min 4:35 - 5:05

Closing Discussions


Chair: Dean N. Williams (Unlicensed)    
 10 min

4:35 -



Science Summary on Discussions from Sessions, Closing Thoughts and Action Items Bill Collins (Unlicensed)

 10 min4:45 - 4:55 

Computation Summary on Discussions from Sessions, Closing Thoughts and Action Items Mark Taylor

 10 min4:55 - 5:05 Dave's Wrap-Up, Any Action Items and Changes Based on Meeting, Closing Thoughts David C. Bader, Dorothy Koch (Unlicensed)    





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