2017-06-07 ACME All-hands Meeting Retrospective



This is a retrospective of the 2017 ACME All-hands Meeting with the aim to identify improvements for the next ACME meeting. Please note what you liked and did not like about the meeting, what you would like to see improved, where did you feel like there was not enough time or if there was too much time spend on something, or maybe something did not get covered that you would like to see added to the next meeting.

If you are agreeing with the statement already made, just add '+1' at the end of a statement, so we have an approximate count on how many votes are for a particular item. 

What did we do well?

Deep Dive Performance+7

Science and poster talks during plenary+7

Presentation of tutorials +3

Length of meeting+6

Poster session+7

Venue is beautiful+1

Renaming to E3SM has potentially less opportunity for copyright infringements+1

It felt more productive and less people just talking...+3

Poster prizes were a nice addition +8

Liked having two separate sessions for the component breakouts. We made good use of the time. +2

Phil Jones's presentations

The crowd-sourced All-hands agenda on Confluence – one-stop shopping that is complete with presentations and breakout notes. +1

Luke Van Roekel's talk on the hunt for ENSO demonstrated insightful approaches to identify the cause of a specific physical bias in the coupled model. Make this type of talk a regular feature? +1

Scheduling the perf and se groups together was better.

What should we have done better?

Make ACME t-shirts (swag) before name change, +1

Venue uses disposable service items. 

Light refreshments during a poster session are always nice, I don't think there were any? +2

Add "Provide ideas and feedback" page link to the agenda from the very start. (This way people can add their thoughts during the meeting and the feedback process is not an "after the fact" activity.)

Provide a MacOS operating system for presentations. +1

Request to arrange breakout room in round-table configuration instead of lecture configuration. +4

Session chair in main room might remind us when and where breakout sessions are commencing so we remember to get up and go +1

Move start time to 9am on first day of meetings on Eastern time zone. +3

Not schedule an illness for that week. Apologies in advance if I turn out to be patient zero.



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