2023-06 E3SM All-Hands Meeting



The 2023 All-Hands Meeting will be both in-person and virtual meeting. This will be mainly an E3SM project working meeting with plenary session presentations from E3SM leadership team, many breakout sessions organized around E3SM Phase 3 Groups, and poster sessions (in person and online). The meeting is open to all.


  • Monday, June 26, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, MDT

  • Tuesday, June 27, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, MDT

  • Wednesday, June 28, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm, MDT



  • Registration is open to the public and required. There is NO registration fee

  • It is now closed for in-person attendees. Virtual attendees can register until 6/25 at https://www.cvent.com/d/10qx23





  • There will be an in-person session for the poster session. Additionally, to accommodate online participants, all posters will be posted on Confluence. Remote participants can also submit posters to be displayed on Confluence. The discussion on the digital posters will happen online, either on Slack or Google page, and the authors will provide the link to the preferred discussion online space that is accessible to all.

  • You are welcome to use the E3SM templates, see E3SM Phase 3 Templates and you are free to change them to suit your need.

  • The in-person posters should have dimensions 42 in x 42 in. The digital poster can be either a poster or a presentation.

  • Poster page: Posters in 2023 E3SM All-Hands Meeting.

  • The digital poster file should be added to the poster page by June 23, 2023. Instructions are at the link above.

  • To upload your poster, edit your poster page, position your cursor in the ‘Poster’ row in the white space, then go to your files and drag and drop the file onto the page, then publish the page. The poster will show up as a thumbnail in the place where your cursor was.

  • The “Atmosphere” and “Coupled System” theme posters will be presented on Monday, Jun 26 from 4:30 to 5:50 pm MDT. All other posters are presented on Tuesday, June 27 from 4:00 to 5:30 pm MDT.

Virtual Background



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