Posters in 2023 E3SM All-Hands Meeting

Check for E3SM poster and presentation templates. You are free to change it to suit your need. In-person posters should be 42x42 inch in size, and the digital poster can be either a poster or a presentation.

The poster abstract submission is closed.

To add a digital poster/presentation file to your poster page:

  1. After you created your poster (a digital-only poster can be in the form of a presentation, it does not have to be a poster), edit your poster page, position your cursor in the ‘Poster’ row in the white space, then go to your files and drag and drop the file onto the page. The poster will show up as a thumbnail in the place where your cursor was.

  2. In Discussion Link - add a link to the place where you would like the discussion to take place, it can be a link to the slack channel (#e3sm2023ah-posters), a Google doc (public link), or an email.

  3. Save the page by clicking ‘Publish’ at the top right.

Posters and Abstracts can be viewed from


Posters Sessions

“V” in front of the poster number stands for “Virtual Poster”. Those posters are going to be discussed asynchronously and are not bound to the poster session time. The poster presenter indicates on the poster page how they would like to discuss the poster, it can be on Slack or Google Docs or email, as stated above.

Monday, June 26, Posters 4:30 -5:30 pm

Atmosphere Theme Posters:

Coupled System Theme Posters:

Tuesday, June 27, Posters 4:00-5:30 pm

Land-River-Human Theme Posters:

Ocean-Ice Theme Posters:

Performance-Algorithm-Tools Theme Posters: