2019-03 E3SM All-Hands Meeting


The E3SM All-Hands Spring Meeting will start at 8:00 am on March 19, 2019 at the Westin Westminster in Westminster, CO. The meeting will end around 12:30 pm on March 21 with a possibility of additional meetings in small groups until 5pm that day.  Most participants will need to travel on March 18. 

        The Council plans for this to be a working meeting, so there will be fewer plenaries and more group/breakout sessions than we had at the November meeting.


 The meeting dates:   8am MT,  to  ~12:30pm MT (the conference rooms will be available till 5pm MT on 3/21 if anyone would like to stay longer for additional meetings/discussions)  

Who Should Attend

The spAll E3SM project participants should plan to attend. Collaborators and university partners are welcome to participate although this will be working E3SM meeting.


Westin Westminster Westminster, CO

link to make reservations:  

Book your group rate for E3SM Leadership .  (deadline -   )

Event Summary: 

E3SM Leadership

Hotel offering your special group rate:

  • The Westin Westminster for 181 USD per night

Transportation to Hotel

Meeting Logistics

Continental breakfast will be provided next to the plenary room on Tue, Wed and Thu, 3/19 - 3/21. Lunch and dinner- everyone is on their own.

Please see additional information on the /wiki/spaces/CNCL/pages/929923388

Registration - Participation

There will be NO registration fee. We are asking for everyone planning to participate to sign in on the page below, to allow for an accurate count of participants. Please add your name to the list by 2pm on  - thank you!

2019 Spring Meeting Participants List

Solicitation for Breakout Rooms

There will be openings for reservation of a breakout room for discussions in small groups, such as for Deep Dives. Please make your request on a Request Breakout Session in 2019 Meeting.  Anyone is invited to request a breakout meeting. Please give a short explanation of planned activities. Breakout Room requests are due  .

Solicitation for Agenda Topics

The agenda topic ideas can be proposed on the Propose a topic for 2019 Spring Working Meeting page. Please specify if you are proposing plenary (all-hands) or breakout (in group session) topic.  The deadline is  .


Agenda 2019 Spring Meeting

Meeting Pages - Children of this Page

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