#W05 The New ACME Diagnostics Package
A new ACME diagnostics package initiated in early 2017 has been developed by the ACME Workflow team. The goal of this work is to build a comprehensive diagnostics software as an essential ACME tool to facilitate the diagnosis of the next generation earth system models. This software is designed in a flexible, modular and object-oriented fashion, enabling users to manipulate different processes in a diagnostics workflow. Numerous configuration options for metrics computation (i.e., regridding options) and visualization (i.e., graphical backend, color map, contour levels) are customizable. Built-in functions to generate derived variables and to select diagnostics regions are supported and can be easily expanded. The architecture of this package follows the Community Diagnostics Package framework, which is also applied by two other DOE funded diagnostics efforts (PCMDI metrics package and ARM diagnostics package), to facilitate effective interactions between different projects.