#L02 Development and testing of ALMv1-ECA-CNP

Poster TitleDevelopment and testing of ALMv1-ECA-CNP
AuthorsQing Zhu. William Riley (Unlicensed), Jinyun Tang
Poster CategoryEarly Result
Submission TypePoster
Poster LinkL02 Development and testing of ALMv1-ECA-CNP.pptx


We describe here model development and benchmarking for one of the two land model versions integrated in ALMv1 that will participate in the BGC Inter-comparison: ALMv1-ECA-CNP. ALMv1-ECA-CNP is unique in several ways that strongly affect the model's estimates of terrestrial C budgets: (1) plants have a flexible CNP stoichiometry; (2) plant allocation and storage are dynamic and respond to nutrient, water, and light stresses; (3) a multi-element co-limitation concept replaces Liebig's law of the minimum for nutrient controls on photosynthesis; (4) multiple substrate & nutrient competition is based on the Equilibrium Chemistry Approximation (ECA); and (5) BeTR vertically-resolved multi-phase reactive transport solver is used for numerically robust solutions. This poster describes the model assumptions, implementation, benchmarking, and predictions of global C, N, and P dynamics.

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