E3SM-2-0-NARRM Registration to CMIP6 (source_id)
The following will be submitted to CMIP6 to register E3SM-2-0-NARRM model by submitting an issue in github https://github.com/WCRP-CMIP/CMIP6_CVs/issues/new .
See the table with all registered model versions and activities (experiment types): https://wcrp-cmip.github.io/CMIP6_CVs/docs/CMIP6_source_id.html
Registration issue submitted, see https://github.com/WCRP-CMIP/CMIP6_CVs/issues/1190
All the info is concatenated and becomes a part of the NetCDF attribute string, which has currently (in CMOR) a limit of 1024 characters (can be counted in Word: go to Review, click on Word Count, "Characters (with spaces)")
source_id registration of E3SM-2-0-NARRM
label = E3SM 2.0 NARRM
label_extended = E3SM 2.0 NARRM (Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 2.0 North American Regionally Refined Model)
source_id = E3SM-2-0-NARRM
institution_id = E3SM-Project
release_year = 2022
activity_participation = [CMIP]
description = MAM4 w/ new resuspension, marine organics, secondary organics, and dust (atmos physics grid)
nominal_resolution = 100 km
description =EAM (v2.0, Dynamics: cubed sphere spectral-element grid, 130,088 columns; Physics: 2x2 finite volume cells within each spectral element, 57,816 columns. N. American (NA): 25 to 100 km; outside ~100 km. 72 vertical layers w/ top at 60 km).
nominal_resolution = 112 km
description = Troposphere specified oxidants (except passive ozone with the lower boundary sink) for aerosols. Stratosphere linearized interactive ozone (LINOZ v2) (atmos physics grid)
nominal_resolution = 100 km
description = ELM (v1.0, atmos physics grid, satellite phenology mode), MOSART (v1.0, 0.125 deg lat/lon grid)
nominal_resolution = 100 km
description = none
nominal_resolution = none
description = MPAS-Ocean (E3SMv2.0, WC14to60E2r5 unstructured SCVTs mesh with 407420 cells and 1240672 edges, NA: ~14 km; outside: 30 to 60 km; 60 levels; top grid cell 0-10 m)
nominal_resolution = none
description = none
nominal_resolution = none
description = MPAS-Seaice (E3SMv2.0, MPAS-Ocean grid; 5 ice categories, 7 ice layers, 5 snow layers)
nominal_resolution = none