Available Platforms

Quick link to list of platforms for running the model:  /wiki/spaces/ED/pages/1867951

Getting accounts on those machines:  Computational Resources - Internal

Computational Resources Policy
A Computational Resource is both a machine and an E3SM-procured project on that machine for charging jobs to.

E3SM project and their members can access the E3SM supported machines and request an account and, if necessary, allocation resource for work performed within E3SM work scope, see E3SM Allocation Policy.   If only doing analysis/viz on a supported machine, an account is still needed as well as having that account added to the local E3SM project but an allocation request is typically not needed.

Non E3SM members (ecosystem projects, SFAs that work on E3SM related effort and other collaborating projects), in general, are not allowed to use E3SM computational resources. 

Before using those computational resources for simulations one needs to also seek the approval of the use with specifics on what machine, what allocation is needed and for what ( Computational Resources Usage Requests ) and wait before submitting any jobs until it is approved and assigned 'Allocated' status.

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internal pages

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