CMIP6 data conversion tables
This is a working document showing the conversion status for publishing E3SM data to CMIP6. The variables listed are unordered, and pulled from the priority 1 request list as well as scientist input. If you think that an important variable is missing please add it.
The conversion formulas are for the most part compiled with input from domain exports. There is the very real possibility they may be incorrect, please verify the conversions in your area of expertise and mark the "verified" column with your name.
Much of this information is pulled from the previous discussion page E3SM data conversion for CMIP6, but I wanted to distill the information down to the bare necessities.
Data Tables Pages
- Amon variable conversion table
- ATM daily and 3 hourly
- CFmon variable conversion table
- fx/Ofx variable conversion table
- LImon variable conversion table
- Lmon variable conversion table
- Omon variable conversion table
- SImon variable conversion table
A table summarizing all the variables published (original names and CMIP names) is on Default Set of Model Output for ESGF publication
- CMIP6 data request
- CESM Amon conversion table for CMIP5:
- CMIP6 tables :
- JSON tables on GitHub
Amon (monthly atmospheric data)
- Full request:
- CESM Amon conversion table for CMIP5 (, thanks to Peter Caldwell for finding this).
- All fields must be interpolated in the horizontal to the new CMIP6 grids for which Charlie Zender prepared mapping files (see CMIP6 Grid-files and Map-files).
- Some 3d variables must be reported on model levels and others interpolated to the standard 19 pressure levels.
First set of atmospheric data has been cmorized provided by Sterling:
Additional tables to consider
- 3hr, 6hrLev, 6hrPlev, 6hrPlevPt
- CF3hr, CFday, CFmon (suggest consulting with Yuying Zhang on most useful variables and variables not impacted by COSP bug).
- AERmon
- ICE. – Notz et al. 2016 –
- SImon variable conversion table
(Fixed variables, auxiliary variables useful for diagnostics: including cell_area of land/ocean, land_area_fraction, land_ice_area_fraction)