Assess and Address Regridding Weights in Map-Files with ncks

E3SM component models employ multiple grids that require regridding to exchange information during coupling and for off-line analyses. High-quality regridding weights are necessary to exploit E3SM's grid versatility, and are traditionally stored in map-files. This page documents the internal structure of map-files, and describes how to assess the quality of their weights. This page assumes some familiarity in regridding (see Regridding E3SM Data with ncremap), though no prior exposure to the internal structure of map-files..

As of NCO version 4.9.0 (December, 2019), invoking --chk_map causes ncks to evaluate the quality of regridding weights in the map-file provided as input-file. This option works with map-files (not grid-files) in ESMF/CMIP6-compliant format (i.e., a sparse matrix variable named S and coordinates [xy][ab]_[cv]. When invoked with the additional --area_wgt option, the evaluation statistics are area-weighted and thus exactly represent the global-mean/min/max/mebs/rms/sdn biases expected when regridding a globally uniform field. This tool makes it easier to objectively assess weight-generation algorithms, and will hopefully assist in their improvement. Thanks to @Mark Taylor and @Paul Ullrich for this suggestion and early prototypes.

$ ncks --chk_map # Unweighted statistics
$ ncks --chk_map --dbg=2 # Additional diagnostics
$ ncks --chk_map --area_wgt # Area-weighted statistics

The map-checker performs numerous checks and reports numerous statistics, probably more than you care about. Be assured that each piece of provided information has in the past proved useful to developers of weight-generation and regridding algorithms. Most of the time, users can learn whether the examined map is of sufficient quality for their purposes by examing only a few of these statistics. Before defining these primary statistics, it is helpful to understand the meaning of the weight-array S (stored in a map-file as the variable S), and the terminology of rows and columns.

A remapping (aka regridding) transforms a field on an input grid to an an output grid while conserving to the extent possible or desired the local and global properties of the field. The map S is a matrix of M rows and N columns of weights, where M is the number of gridcells (or degrees of freedom, DOFs) in the destination grid, and N is the number of gridcells (or DOFs) in the source grid. An individual weight S(m,n) represents the fractional contribution to destination gridcell m by source gridcell n.

By convention the weights are normalized to sum to unity in each row (destination gridcell) that completely overlaps the input grid. Thus the weights in a single row are all equivalent to the fractional destination areas that the same destination gridcell (we will drop the DOF terminology hereafter for conciseness) receives from each source gridcell. Regardless of the values of the individual weights, it is intuitive that their row-sum should never exceed unity because that would be physically equivalent to an output gridcell receiving more than its own area from the source grid. Map-files typically store these row-sum statistics for each destination gridcell in the frac_b variable described further below.

Likewise the weights in a single column represent the fractional destination areas that a single source gridcell contributes to every output gridcell. Each output gridcell in a column may have a different area so column-sums need not, and in general do not, sum to unity. However, a source gridcell ought to contribute to the destination grid a total area equal to its own area. Thus a constraint on column-sums is that their weights, themselves weighted by the destination gridcell area corresponding to each row, should sum exactly to the source gridcell area. In other words, the destination-area-weighted column-sum divided by the source gridcell area would be unity (in a perfect first order map) for every source gridcell that completely overlaps valid destination gridcells. Map-files typically store these area-weighted-column-sum-ratio statistics for each gridcell in the frac_a variable described further below.

Storing the entire weight-matrix S is unnecessary because only a relative handful of gridcells in the source grid contribute to a given destination gridcell, and visa versa. Instead, map-files store only the non-zero S(m,n), and encode them as a sparse-matrix. Storing S as a sparse matrix rather than a full matrix reduces overall storage sizes by a factor on the order of the ratio of the product of the grid sizes to their sum, or about 10,000 for grids with horizontal resolution near one degree, and more for finer resolutions. The sparse-matrix representation is a one-dimensional array of weights S, together with two ancillary arrays, row and column, that contain the one-dimensional row and column indices, respectively, corresponding to the destination and source gridcells of the associated weight. By convention, map-files store the row and column indices using the 1-based convention in common use in the 1990s when regridding software was all written in Fortran. The map-checker prints cell locations with 1-based indices as well:

% ncks --chk_map
Characterization of map-file
Cell triplet elements : [Fortran (1-based) index, center latitude, center longitude]
Sparse matrix size n_s: 246659
Weight min S(190813): 5.1827201764857658e-25 from cell
[33796,-45.7998,+136.437] to [15975,-45.5,+134.5]
Weight max S( 67391): 1.0000000000000000e+00 from cell
[33671,-54.4442,+189.645] to [12790,-54.5,+189.5]
Ignored weights (S=0.0): 0

Here the map-file weights span twenty-five orders of magnitude. This may seem large though in practice is typical for high-resolution intersection grids. The Fortran-convention index of each weight extreme is followed by its geographic latitude and longitude. Reporting the locations of extrema, and of gridcells whose metrics miss their target values by more than a specificied tolerance, are prime map-checker features.

As mentioned above, the two statistics most telling about map quality are the weighted column-sums frac_a and the row-sums frac_b. The short-hand names for what these metrics quantify are Conservation and Consistency, respectively. Conservation means the total fraction of an input gridcell that contributes to the output grid. For global input and output grids that completely tile the sphere, the entirety of each input gridcell should contribute (i.e., map to) the output grid. The same concept that applies locally to conservation of a gridcell value applies globally to the overall conservation of an input field. Thus a perfectly conservative mapping between global grids that tile the sphere would have frac_a = 1.0 for every input gridcell, and for the mean of all input gridcells.

The map-checker computes Conservation (frac_a) from the stored variables S, row, column, area_a, and area_b in the map-file, and then compares those values to the frac_a values (if any) on-disk, and warns of any disagreements. By definition, conservation is perfect to first order if the sum of the destination-gridcell-area-weighted weights (which is an area) equals the source gridcell area, and so their ratio (frac_a) is unity. Computing the area-weighted-column-sum-ratios and comparing those frac_a to the stored frac_a catches any discrepancies. The analysis sounds an alarm when discrepancies exceed a tolerance (currently 5.0e-16). More importantly, the map-checker reports the summary statistics of the computed frac_a metrics and their imputed errors, including the grid mean, minimum, maximum, mean-absolute bias, root-mean-square bias, and standard deviation.

% ncks --chk_map
Conservation metrics (column-sums of area_b-weighted weights normalized by area_a) and errors---
Perfect metrics for global Grid B are avg = min = max = 1.0, mbs = rms = sdn = 0.0:
frac_a avg: 1.0000000000000000 = 1.0-0.0e+00 // Mean
frac_a min: 0.9999999999991109 = 1.0-8.9e-13 // Minimum in grid A cell [45328,+77.3747,+225]
frac_a max: 1.0000000000002398 = 1.0+2.4e-13 // Maximum in grid A cell [47582,+49.8351,+135]
frac_a mbs: 0.0000000000000096 = 9.6e-15 // Mean absolute bias from 1.0
frac_a rms: 0.0000000000000167 = 1.7e-14 // RMS relative to 1.0
frac_a sdn: 0.0000000000000167 = 1.7e-14 // Standard deviation

The values of the frac_a metric are generally imperfect (not 1.0) for global grids. The bias is the deviation from the target metric shown in the second floating-point column in each row above (e.g., 8.9e-13). These biases should be vanishingly small with respect to unity. Mean biases as large as 1.0e-08 may be considered acceptable for off-line analyses (i.e., a single regridding of raw data) though the acceptable tolerance should be more stringent for on-line use such as in a coupler where forward and reverse mappings may be applied tens of thousands of times. The mean biases for such on-line regridding should be close to 1.0e-15 in order for tens-of-thousands of repetitions to still conserve mass/energy to full double-precision.

The minimum and maximum gridcell biases indicate the worst performing locations of the mapping. These are generally much (a few orders of magnitude) greater than the mean biases. Observe that the minimum and maximum biases in the examples above and below occur at longitudes that are multiples of 45 degrees. This is characteristic of mappings to/from for cube-square grids whose faces have edges, and thus additional complexity, at multiples of 45 degrees. This illustrates how intersection grid geometry influences biases. More complex, finer-scale structures, produce greater biases. The Root-Mean-Square (RMS) and standard deviation metrics characterize the distribution of biases throughout the entire intersection grid, and are thus complementary information to the minimum and maximum biases.

Consistency expresses the total fraction of an output gridcell that receives contributions from the input grid. Thus Consistency is directly analogous to Conservation, only applied to the output grid. Conservation is the extent to which the mapping preserves the local and grid-wide integrals of input fields, while Consistency is the extent to which the mapping correctly aligns the input and output grids so that each destination cell receives the appropriate proportion of the input integrals. The mapping will produce an acceptably faithful reproduction of the input on the output grid only if all local and global Conservation and Consistency metrics meet the acceptable error tolerances.

The map-checker computes the Consistency (frac_b) as row-sums of the weights stored in S and compares these to the stored values of frac_b. (Note how the definition of weights S(m,n) as the fractional contribution to destination gridcell m by source gridcell n makes calculation of frac_b almost trivial in comparison to frac_a). Nevertheless, frac_b in the file may differ from the computed row-sum for example if the map-file generator artificially limits the stored frac_b value for any cell to 1.0 for those row-sums that exceed 1.0. The map-checker raises an alarm when discrepancies between computed and stored frac_b exceed a tolerance (currently 5.0e-16). There are semi-valid reasons a map-generator might do this, so this does not necessarily indicate an error. The alarm simply informs the user that applying the weights will lead to a slightly different Consistency than indicated by the stored frac_b.

As with frac_a, the values of frac_b are generally imperfect (not 1.0) for global grids:

% ncks --chk_map
Consistency metrics (row-sums of weights) and errors---
Perfect metrics for global Grid A are avg = min = max = 1.0, mbs = rms = sdn = 0.0:
frac_b avg: 0.9999999999999999 = 1.0-1.1e-16 // Mean
frac_b min: 0.9999999999985523 = 1.0-1.4e-12 // Minimum in grid B cell [59446,+75.5,+45.5]
frac_b max: 1.0000000000004521 = 1.0+4.5e-13 // Maximum in grid B cell [63766,+87.5,+45.5]
frac_b mbs: 0.0000000000000065 = 6.5e-15 // Mean absolute bias from 1.0
frac_b rms: 0.0000000000000190 = 1.9e-14 // RMS relative to 1.0
frac_b sdn: 0.0000000000000190 = 1.9e-14 // Standard deviation

This example shows that frac_b has the greatest local errors at similar boundaries (multiples of 45 degrees longitude) as frac_a. It is typical for Conservation and Consistency to degrade in intricate areas of the intersection grid, and these areas occur at multiples of 45 degrees longitude for cubed-sphere mappings.

The map-checker will produce area-weighted metrics when invoked with the --area_wgt flag, e.g., ncks --area_wgt Area-weighted statistics show the exact local and global results to expect with real-world grids in which large consistency/conservation errors in small gridcells may be less important than smaller errors in larger gridcells. Global-weighted mean statistics will of course differ from unweighted statistics, although the minimum and maximum do not change:

% ncks --area_wgt
Conservation metrics (column-sums of area_b-weighted weights normalized by area_a) and errors---
Perfect metrics for global Grid B are avg = min = max = 1.0, mbs = rms = sdn = 0.0:
frac_a avg: 1.0000000000000009 = 1.0+8.9e-16 // Area-weighted mean
frac_a min: 0.9999999999999236 = 1.0-7.6e-14 // Minimum in grid A cell [12810,+3.44654,+293.25]
frac_a max: 1.0000000000001146 = 1.0+1.1e-13 // Maximum in grid A cell [16203,-45.7267,+272.31]
frac_a mbs: 0.000