Test Types


These are the test types available with CIME.

See https://github.com/ESMCI/cime/blob/master/CIME/SystemTests/README for latest.

The following are the test functionality categories:
  1) smoke tests
  2) basic reproducibility tests
  3) restart tests
  4) threading/pe-count modification tests
  5) sequencing (layout) modification tests
  6) multi-instance tests
  7) performance tests
  8) spinup tests (TODO)
  9) other component-specific tests

Some tests not yet implemented in python.  They can be found in

- IOP is currently not functional

    Smoke Tests

SMS    smoke startup test (default length)
       do a 5 day initial test (suffix: base)
       if $IOP_ON is set then suffix is base_iop
       success for non-iop is just a successful coupler

    Basic reproducibility Tests

REP    reproducibility: do two identical runs give the same results?

    Restart Tests

ERS    exact restart from startup (default 6 days + 5 days)
       do an 11 day initial test - write a restart at day 6     (suffix: base)
       if $IOP_ON is set then suffix is base_iop
       do a  5  day restart test starting from restart at day 6 (suffix: rest)
       if $IOP_ON is set then suffix is rest_iop
       compare component history files ".base" and ".rest" at day 11

ERP    pes counts hybrid (open-MP/MPI) restart bfb test from startup, default 6 days + 5 days (previousy PER)
       initial pes set up out of the box
       do an 11 day initial test - write a restart at day 6     (suffix base)
       half the number of tasks and threads for each component
       do a  5  day restart test starting from restart at day 6 (suffix rest)
       this is just like an ERS test but the pe-counts/threading count are modified on retart

ERI    hybrid/branch/exact restart test, default (by default STOP_N is 22 days)
       (1) ref1case
           do an initial for ${STOP_N}/6 writing restarts at ${STOP_N}/6
           ref1 case is a clone of the main case (by default this will be 4 days)
           short term archiving is on
       (2) ref2case
           do a hybrid for ${STOP_N}-${STOP_N}/6 running with ref1 restarts from ${STOP_N}/6
           and writing restarts at ( ${STOP_N} - ${STOP_N}/6 )/2 +1
	   (by default will run for 18 days and write a restart after 10 days)
           ref2 case is a clone of the main case
           short term archiving is on
       (3) case
           do a branch run starting from restart written in ref2 case
           and run for ???  days
       (4) case do a restart run from the branch case

ERT  Similar to ERS but longer.  2 months + 1 month

    Restart and Archive Tests
ERR does an ERS test except that after the initial run the short term archive tool is run
        which moves model output out of the run directory into the short-term archive directory
        then the restart run is staged from the short term archive directory.  In batch mode there are
	four submitted jobs for this test (mira excepted) these are run1, sta1, run2 and sta2
	run1 and sta1 are submitted together with RESUBMIT=1.  sta1 has a batch system dependancy
 	on successful completion of run1, when sta1 is completed it uses the cime resubmit capabilty
	to submit run2.

    Threading/PE-Counts/Pe-Sequencing Tests

PET    modified threading openmp bfb test (seq tests)
       do an initial run where all components are threaded by default (suffix: base)
       do another initial run with nthrds=1 for all components        (suffix: single_thread)
       compare base and single_thread

PEM    modified pe counts mpi bfb test (seq tests)
       do an initial run with default pe layout                               (suffix: base)
       do another initial run with modified pes (NTASKS_XXX => NTASKS_XXX/2)  (suffix: modpes)
       compare base and single_thread

PEA    single pe bfb test
       do an initial run on 1 pe with mpi     (suffix: base)
       do the same run on 1 pe with mpiserial (suffix: mpiserial)

    Sequencing (layout) Tests (smoke)

SEQ    different sequencing bfb test
       do an initial run test with out-of-box PE-layout (suffix: base)
       do a second run where all root pes are at pe-0   (suffix: seq)
       compare base and seq

    Multi-Instance Tests (smoke)

NCK    multi-instance validation vs single instance - sequential PE for instances (default length)
       do an initial run test with NINST 1 (suffix: base)
       do an initial run test with NINST 2 (suffix: multiinst for both _0001 and _0002)
       compare base and _0001 and _0002

NCR    multi-instance validation vs single instance - concurrent PE for instances  (default length)
       do an initial run test with NINST 1 (suffix: base)
       do an initial run test with NINST 2 (suffix: multiinst for both _0001 and _0002)
        compare base and _0001 and _0002
       (***note that NCR_script and NCK_script are the same - but NCR_build.csh and NCK_build.csh are different***)

NOC    multi-instance validation for single instance ocean (default length)
       do an initial run test with NINST 2 (other than ocn), with mod to instance 1 (suffix: inst1_base, inst2_mod)
       do an initial run test with NINST 2 (other than ocn), with mod to instance 2 (suffix: inst1_base, inst2_mod)
       compare inst1_base with inst2_base
       compare inst1_mod  with inst2_mod

    Performance Tests

PFS    system performance test.  Do 20 day run, no restarts
ICP    cice performance test

    SPINUP tests

SSP    smoke CLM spinup test (only valid for CLM compsets with CN or BGC)  (TODO - change to SPL)
       do an initial spin test (setting CLM_BLDNML_OTPS to -bgc_spinup_on)
         write restarts at the end of the run
         short term archiving is on
       do a hybrid non-spinup run run from the restart files generated in the first phase

    Other component-specific tests

LII    CLM initial condition interpolation test


Available Tests before CIME integration.
APT (auto promotion test (default length)) 
CME (compare mct and esmf interfaces (10 days)) 
ERB (branch/exact restart test) 
ERH (hybrid/exact restart test) 
ERI (hybrid/branch/exact restart test, default 3+19/10+9/5+4 days) 
ERS (exact restart from startup, default 6 days + 5 days) 
ERT (exact restart from startup, default 2 month + 1 month (ERS with info dbug = 1)) 
ICP (cice performance test) 
LAR (long term archive test) 
NCK (multi-instance validation vs single instance (default length)) 
NOC (multi-instance validation for single instance ocean (default length)) 
OCP (pop performance test) 
P4A (production branch test b40.1850.track1.1deg.006 year 301) 
PEA (single pe bfb test (default length)) 
PEM (pes counts mpi bfb test (seq tests; default length)) 
PET (openmp bfb test (seq tests; default length)) 
PFS (performance test setup) 
PRS (pes counts hybrid (open-MP/MPI) restart bfb test from startup, default 6 days + 5 days) 
SBN (smoke build-namelist test (just run preview_namelist and check_input_data)) 
SEQ (sequencing bfb test (10 day seq,conc tests)) 
SMS (smoke startup test (default length)) 
SSP (smoke CLM spinup test (only valid for CLM compsets with CLM45 and CN or BGC))

Test Modifiers

The following modifiers can be used in the test name
_CG = gregorian calendar
_D = debug
_E = esmf interfaces
_IOP*= PnetCDF IO test where * is
A(atm), C(cpl), G(glc) , I(ice),
L(clm), O(ocn), W(wav) or blank (all components)
_L* = set run length y, m, d, h, s, n(nsteps) plus integer (ie _Lm6 for 6 months)
_M* = set the mpilib to *, where * is default, mpi-serial, mpich, etc
_N* = set NINST_ env value to *, where * is an integer
_P* = set pecount to *, where * are specific values which include
T,S,M,L,X,1,1x1,16,16x1,4x4, etc
_R* = PTS_MODE test case, valid values are LA, LB, OA, OB

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