How to use the E3SM SE/CG Help Center

The E3SM SE/CG Help Center is the place where people may submit service requests (SRs) related to testing. Wade Burgess and James Foucar are the main people (Jira refers to them as Service Desk Agents) who will act on the SRs and resolve them. 

Step-by-step guide

When at the E3SM SE/CG Help Center, one will see in the upper right corner one's avatar, and be able to access one's profile, and also one's submitted SRs. See the screenshots below.


The screenshot below depicts the different SR types that are currently available at the E3SM SE/CG Help Center. Jira provides a Help Center for all of E3SM, and so far, only one Help Desk exists: SE/CG Testing and CI Support.

The baseline machines that reside at Sandia National Laboratories may only be accessed by Wade Burgess and James Foucar.  Consequently, when an E3SM Integrator needs commands to be run on these baseline machines, a SR should be submitted and Wade Burgess or James Foucar will run the commands.  

One of the most common commands is bless_test_results.  When an integrator clicks the link to "Bless DIFF test(s) on <baseline machine>, the associated Pull Request Number should be provided, and the list of cases that need to be blessed should be included in the SR (unless every DIFF needs to be blessed). Provide a Due Date.


It is possible to submit a SR on behalf of someone else.  Just begin typing a name and then select the individual, as per the screenshot below.

Other SR types cover the need for tests to be manually run again on any of the baseline machines, the need to report a problem with any machine that appears on cdash, and a generic way to request assistance of any other type.

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