E3SM-1-1 CMIP6 ssp585 metadata
- Link to the data /wiki/spaces/EBGC/pages/170295297
- CMIP6 key words: https://wcrp-cmip.github.io/CMIP6_CVs/docs/CMIP6_experiment_id.html
- Note: "BDRD" is an "historical/ssp585" experiment (under the "CMIP"/"ScenarioMIP" activity) and BDRC is the "hist-bgc/ssp585-bgc" experiment under the "C4MIP" activity
E3SM-1-1, BDRD CTC (20191204.BDRD_CNPCTC_SSP585_OIBGC.ne30_oECv3.compy)
"#note_source_type": "explanation of what source_type is goes here",
"source_type": "AOGCM BGC AER",
"#note_experiment_id": "CMIP6 valid experiment_ids are found in CMIP6_CV.json",
"experiment_id": "ssp585",
"activity_id": "ScenarioMIP",
"sub_experiment_id": "none",
"realization_index": "1",
"initialization_index": "1",
"physics_index": "1",
"forcing_index": "1",
"#note_run_variant": "Text stored in attribute variant_info (recommended, not required description of run variant)",
"run_variant": "",
"parent_experiment_id": "historical",
"parent_activity_id": "CMIP",
"parent_source_id": "E3SM-1-1",
"parent_variant_label": "r1i1p1f1",
"parent_time_units": "days since 00011850-01-01",
"branch_method": "standard",
"branch_time_in_child": 0.0,
"branch_time_in_parent": 0.0,
"#note_institution_id": "institution_id must be registered at https://github.com/WCRP-CMIP/CMIP6_CVs/issues/new ",
"institution_id": "E3SM-Project",
"#note_source_id": "source_id (model name) must be registered at https://github.com/WCRP-CMIP/CMIP6_CVs/issues/new ",
"source_id": "E3SM-1-1",
"calendar": "noleap",
"grid": "data regridded to a CMIP6 standard 1x1 degree lonxlat grid from the native grid using an area-average preserving method.",
"grid_label": "gr",
"nominal_resolution": "100 km",
"license": "CMIP6 model data produced by E3SM is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses). Consult https://pcmdi.llnl.gov/CMIP6/TermsOfUse for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at https:///pcmdi.llnl.gov/. The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.",
"#output": "Root directory for output (can be either a relative or full path)",
"outpath": "CMIP6",
"#note_optional": " **** The following descriptors are optional and may be set to an empty string ",
"project PI": "Dave Bader (bader2@llnl.gov)",
"history": "Output from 20191204.BDRD_CNPCTC_SSP585_OIBGC.ne30_oECv3.compy",
"comment": "",
"references": "Burrows S.M., M.E. Maltrud, X. Yang, Q. Zhu, N. Jeffery, X. Shi, and D.M. Ricciuto, et al. 2020. 'The DOE E3SM coupled model v1 .1 biogeochemistry configuration: overview and evaluation of coupled carbon - climate experiments.' Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.
; http://e3sm.org",
"#note_CV": " **** The following will be obtained from the CV and do not need to be defined here",
"sub_experiment": "none",
"institution": "E3SM-Project",
"source": "E3SM 1.1 (2018)",
"#note_CMIP6": " **** The following are set correctly for CMIP6 and should not normally need editing",
"_control_vocabulary_file": "CMIP6_CV.json",
"_AXIS_ENTRY_FILE": "CMIP6_coordinate.json",
"_FORMULA_VAR_FILE": "CMIP6_formula_terms.json",
"_cmip6_option": "CMIP6",
"mip_era": "CMIP6",
"parent_mip_era": "CMIP6",
"tracking_prefix": "hdl:21.14100",
"_history_template": "%s ;rewrote data to be consistent with <activity_id> for variable <variable_id> found in table <table_id>.",
"#output_path_template": "Template for output path directory using tables keys or global attributes, these should follow the relevant data reference syntax",
"output_path_template": "<mip_era><activity_id><institution_id><source_id><experiment_id><_member_id><table><variable_id><grid_label><version>",
"output_file_template": "<variable_id><table><source_id><experiment_id><_member_id><grid_label>"
E3SM-1-1-ECA, BDRD ECA (20191108.BDRD_CNPECACNT_SSP585.ne30_oECv3.cori-knl and 20200326.BDRD_CNPECACNT_SSP585.ne30_oECv3.cori-knl)
"#note_source_type": "explanation of what source_type is goes here",
"source_type": "AOGCM BGC AER",
"#note_experiment_id": "CMIP6 valid experiment_ids are found in CMIP6_CV.json",
"experiment_id": "ssp585",
"activity_id": "ScenarioMIP",
"sub_experiment_id": "none",
"realization_index": "1",
"initialization_index": "1",
"physics_index": "1",
"forcing_index": "1",
"#note_run_variant": "Text stored in attribute variant_info (recommended, not required description of run variant)",
"run_variant": "",
"parent_experiment_id": "historical",
"parent_activity_id": "CMIP",
"parent_source_id": "E3SM-1-1-ECA",
"parent_variant_label": "r1i1p1f1",
"parent_time_units": "days since 00011850-01-01",
"branch_method": "standard",
"branch_time_in_child": 0.0,
"branch_time_in_parent": 0.0,
"#note_institution_id": "institution_id must be registered at https://github.com/WCRP-CMIP/CMIP6_CVs/issues/new ",
"institution_id": "E3SM-Project",
"#note_source_id": "source_id (model name) must be registered at https://github.com/WCRP-CMIP/CMIP6_CVs/issues/new ",
"source_id": "E3SM-1-1-ECA",
"calendar": "noleap",
"grid": "data regridded to a CMIP6 standard 1x1 degree lonxlat grid from the native grid using an area-average preserving method.",
"grid_label": "gr",
"nominal_resolution": "100 km",
"license": "CMIP6 model data produced by E3SM is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses). Consult https://pcmdi.llnl.gov/CMIP6/TermsOfUse for terms of use governing CMIP6 output, including citation requirements and proper acknowledgment. Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be found via the further_info_url (recorded as a global attribute in this file) and at https:///pcmdi.llnl.gov/. The data producers and data providers make no warranty, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. All liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.",
"#output": "Root directory for output (can be either a relative or full path)",
"outpath": "CMIP6",
"#note_optional": " **** The following descriptors are optional and may be set to an empty string ",
"project PI": "Dave Bader (bader2@llnl.gov)",
"history": "Output from 20191108.BDRD_CNPECACNT_SSP585.ne30_oECv3.cori-knl and 20200326.BDRD_CNPECACNT_SSP585.ne30_oECv3.cori-knl",
"comment": "",
"references": "Burrows S.M., M.E. Maltrud, X. Yang, Q. Zhu, N. Jeffery, X. Shi, and D.M. Ricciuto, et al. 2020. 'The DOE E3SM coupled model v1 .1 biogeochemistry configuration: overview and evaluation of coupled carbon - climate experiments.' Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.https://doi.org/10.1029/2019MS001766
; http://e3sm.org",
"#note_CV": " **** The following will be obtained from the CV and do not need to be defined here",
"sub_experiment": "none",
"institution": "E3SM-Project",
"source": "E3SM 1.1 ECA (2018)",
"#note_CMIP6": " **** The following are set correctly for CMIP6 and should not normally need editing",
"_control_vocabulary_file": "CMIP6_CV.json",
"_AXIS_ENTRY_FILE": "CMIP6_coordinate.json",
"_FORMULA_VAR_FILE": "CMIP6_formula_terms.json",
"_cmip6_option": "CMIP6",
"mip_era": "CMIP6",
"parent_mip_era": "CMIP6",
"tracking_prefix": "hdl:21.14100",
"_history_template": "%s ;rewrote data to be consistent with <activity_id> for variable <variable_id> found in table <table_id>.",
"#output_path_template": "Template for output path directory using tables keys or global attributes, these should follow the relevant data reference syntax",
"output_path_template": "<mip_era><activity_id><institution_id><source_id><experiment_id><_member_id><table><variable_id><grid_label><version>",
"output_file_template": "<variable_id><table><source_id><experiment_id><_member_id><grid_label>"