#07 Unified Modeling Framework for ACME

1.Poster Title

Unified Modeling Framework for ACME

5.Poster Category'Future Direction'
6.Submission Type'poster'
7.Poster LinkUnifiedModelingFramework-Jacobsen
8.Lightning Talk SlideUnified Modeling Framework for ACME Lightning Slide.pdf



Currently, ACME is a set of independent component models. Each of these models is written in it's own unique way, with it's own data types, coding style, and associated infrastructure. As a result of this, the entire ACME code base has many different versions of the same infrastructure (i.e. I/O interfaces, halo exchanges, data structures, etc…). Additionally, there are entire parts of the model few, if any, ACME developers understand (i.e. the coupler sequencing options). This poster describes an option to rewrite all of ACME in an effort to unify and reduce the overall code base, which would help ACME developers more easily navigate the entire code base. A complete rewrite would additionally consolidate shared parts of the models, which would allow ACME developers to more easily work in multiple component models. It would also enable standardized access to external libraries and data structures, which could be designed with a modernized approach to more easily support advanced architectures and exascale machines.

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