Request Breakout Session for 2016 All-Hands Meeting

Please add your request for the breakout session at the 2016 ACME All-Hands Meeting. You can request Breakout session and room – please check the agenda Agenda - 2016 ACME All-Hands Meeting, and add your preference for Breakout number  (in column "Request Breakout #").  Renata McCoy will assign the breakout, put it on the Agenda schedule and indicate the assigned breakout room/time in the notes section. If you would like a change to already assigned breakout, please contact Renata.

To submit a Hackathon Idea please go to Hackathon Ideas for 2016 All-Hands Meeting 

Breakout Session TitleRequestorGroupRequest Breakout #Notes
Deep Dives RehearsalDeep DivesTues Eve (after Council/GL dinner/mtg)Assigned Breakout #7: Jun. 7th, 8-9pm, Breakout Room #2
coupler / mask changes to allow for dynamic component land ice / sea ice / ocean extentOcean-Ice, Coupler (others welcome)Wed. Evening (currently listed as breakout 8 or 9)Assigned Breakout #9: Jun. 8th, 7-8pm, Breakout Room #2
Elevation Classes: coupling between atmosphere and land/oceanSteve Ghan (Unlicensed)atmosphere, land, couplerThurs evening Breakout 14 or 15.Assigned Breakout #11: Jun 8th, 8-9pm, Breakout Room #1
Assessment of AIE in ACME v1 atmosphere modelAtmosphereTues Eve (after Council/GL dinner/mtg), Breakout #6 or #5Assigned Breakout #6: Jun. 7th, 8-9pm, Breakout Room #1
Cross-group tuning and coordinationatmosphere, ocean, land, ...Wed. Evening for 2 hours, Preferred plenary room (#8+#10), otherwise #9+#12Assigned Breakout #8 & #10: Jun. 8th, 7-9pm, Plenary Room
Global coupled biogeochemistry coordination and planningLand, ocean, atmosphere, sea ice, land iceWed evening, Breakout #12Assigned Breakout #12: Jun 8th, 8-9pm, Breakout Room #2

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