2016-06 ACME Project All-Hands Meeting

ACME PI All-Hands Meeting 

Important Due Dates Information

May 16, 2016 - Hotel Reservation  Deadline

May 23, 2016 - Poster Abstract Submission for ACME 2016 All-Hands Deadline

May 23, 2016 - Award Nomination Deadline

May 24, 2016 - Notifications on selection of Lightning Talks and invited Longer Plenary Talks from posters

May 31, 2016 - Request Breakout Session for 2016 All-Hands Meeting Deadline

May 31, 2016 - Hackathon Ideas for 2016 All-Hands Meeting Solicitation Deadline

May 31, 2016 - Meeting Registration Deadline


The ACME PI Meeting is the second face-2-face All-hands meeting for all ACME members. It will include invited talks from DOE ACME project managers, Executive Committee, each ACME Group facilitated by Group Leaders and well as invited tasks from the selected Task Leaders. There will be Group sessions for inter-group and cross-group discussions (so called speed dating) to facilitate communication exchange withing and between groups. A dedicated session on upcoming v1.0 Coupled Experiments, the ACME v2.0 new features and v2.0 experiment. The poster session will be included to promote discussion in 3 areas: Early Results, Problem-solving and Future Direction. A few posters may be selected for plenary oral presentations.


General Meeting:  Tuesday 8:00am to Thursday 5pm on   -  

Project Review  (ACME Council + GLs)


Who Should Attend

Most of the ACME team members should plan to attend.


Hotel Hilton on Rockville Pike in Rockville reservation can be made through the link: http://www.hilton.com/en/hi/groups/personalized/I/IADMRHF-JAP-20160606/index.jhtml?WT.mc_id=POG, the cutoff date is  Monday, May 16th, 2016. 

A block of rooms have been reserved for June 6, 2016 - June 10, 2016. The special room rate of $206.00 per night will be available until May 16th or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first.

Note on hotel night of June 10th: Please reserve the hotel with the link above for the nights June 6-9, then contact Tracey (Tracey.Vieser@orau.orgOffice: 865.574.2156, Mobile: 865.209.9631) or Marie (Marie.Asher@orau.org) with confirmation number and ask them to add one more night stay (June 10th) to your reservation.  

1750 Rockville Pike
Rockville, Maryland 20852-1699
Tel: +1-301-468-1100
Fax: +1-301-468-0308 


The registration fee is $200.00. To register, go to http://app1.orau.org/Product.aspx?ProductId=472 . The deadline is Tuesday, May 31, 2016. The registration includes breakfast and lunch Tuesday through Friday. 

Solicitation for Hackathon Ideas/Teams

Following an expressed by some interest in connecting with remote team members to code (or hack on) some lingering piece of code, an algorithm or to prototype or test an application or explore some new solutions, we reserved one day to the First ACME Hackathon.

We invite all ACME members to propose Ideas/Teams and Plans for the Hackathon that will take place on June 10th, 2016. Hackathon offers a time to brainstorm, innovate, develop, experiment and improve a code, it fosters creativity and allows one to connect and closely collaborate with otherwise remote team members.

Please submit a project to work on, an idea, list team members and deliverables on the Hackathon Ideas for 2016 All-Hands Meeting Page. The proposed idea should be relevant to ACME mission, ACME code or application development. It should be a relatively small project that at the end of the day should deliver a working piece of code or solution to a stated problem. Idea submission due date:  Tuesday, May 31, 2016. 

Poster Submission

We invite ACME team members to submit a presentation abstract for the ACME meeting.  The following 3 topics are solicited: (R) Early science or computational Results from the ACME project, (P) Problem-solving or issue topics to solicit ideas and feedback toward creative solutions, or (F) Future directions that ACME could consider (and why).  A few abstracts may be selected for short oral presentations in plenary session and/or within the Group break-outs, the others will be presented in poster form.  A poster template with a quad-chart type format is provided on submission page. Please go to Poster Abstract Submission for ACME 2016 All-Hands page for specific instructions on abstract submission. Due date: 2 weeks before the meeting - Monday, May 23rd, 2016.

Nomination for Awards

ACME will continue an award process for team members in recognition of those who have gone “above and beyond” to contribute to the project. This includes demonstrated commitment, important scientific or technical ideas or advances, or noteworthy inter/intra-disciplinary teamwork. DOE BER management will be presenting two awards in the plenary session. The award nominations are solicited for ACME team members; Group-Leads and Council members should be excluded. Due date: 2 weeks before the meeting - Monday, May 23rd, 2016.

Solicitation for Breakout Rooms

There will be several openings for reservation of a breakout room for discussions in small groups, such as for Deep Dives. Please make your request on a Request Breakout Session for 2016 All-Hands Meeting Page. Anyone is invited to request a breakout meeting. Please give a short explanation of planned activities. Breakout Room requests are due by May 31, 2016.


All oral presentations should be upload to /wiki/spaces/ECM/pages/63602772 and then linked to the Agenda.


Agenda - 2016 ACME All-Hands Meeting

Call in Number 

Will be provided.


Meeting Pages

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