VO02: Overview of MPAS-SI-MPM

Full Title

Overview of MPAS-SI-MPM

First Author

  • Deborah Sulsky

  • sulsky@math.unm.edu

All Authors

Yawen Guan, Kara Peterson, Onkar Sahni, Deborah Sulsky, Adrian Turner


Ocean - Ice


ecosystem project (A BER-SciDAC5 partnership project)


The purpose of MPAS-SI-MPM is to enhance the representation of sea-ice mechanics in E3SM using an elastic-decohesive constitutive model with the goal of ultimately improving coupled climate simulations and predictions. The more descriptive physics provides a mechanism to model leads explicitly, and to account for frazil ice and dense water formation in leads, for example. The improved representation will generate more realistic coupling fluxes to the atmosphere and ocean.

The model will be implemented using the material-point method (MPM). MPM provides a Lagrangian representation of sea ice which allows transport of state variables and tracers without numerical diffusion, as well as history along trajectories for constitutive models. GPU acceleration will be achieved in the sea-ice component of E3SM through modifications to the PUMIPic library from FASTMath.

Techniques for parameter calibration and model validation (especially for leads) will be developed. These techniques depend on new metrics for analyzing spatiotemporal data with discontinuities, and/or lower dimensional features.






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