O01: CICE Consortium

Full Title

CICE Consortium Progress and Plans

First Author

  • Elizabeth Hunke

  • eclare@lanl.gov

All Authors

Elizabeth Hunke, Richard Allard, David Bailey, Philippe Blain, Darin Comeau, Tony Craig, Frederic Dupont, Robert Grumbine, David Hebert, Nicole Jeffery, Jean-Francois Lemieux, Robert Osinski, Alek Petty, Till Rasmussen, Andrew Roberts, Erin Thomas, Jon Wolfe 


Ocean - Ice


E3SM / CICE Consortium


The CICE Consortium is a group of stakeholders and primary developers of the Los Alamos sea ice model (CICE) formed as a vehicle for collaboration to incorporate and maintain new research and development, and to accelerate scientific sea ice model development and its transfer into operational use.  Since DOE moved to the MPAS framework for the sea ice component in E3SM and is also supporting development of alternative models for sea ice dynamics, the Consortium provides the sea ice column physics, now referred to as Icepack, for these DOE models.  DOE projects also contribute to the Consortium’s code base. Here we provide an update of new sea ice modeling capabilities incorporated into the Consortium's CICE and Icepack repositories with particular relevance to DOE, and outline expected future developments.





Discussion Link

Check the meeting’s poster conversation on slack (#e3sm2023ah-posters).


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