How to run the regionally refined model (RRM)

When creating the regionally refined model (RRM) case, please refer to the steps in this article.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Check-out ACME : see Development Quick Guide for details.
  2. Create and build a new case from the scripts directory:
    1. $ ./create_newcase -res conusx4v1_conusx4v1 -case $CASENAME -compset $COMPSET -mach $MACH -project $PROJECT
      ACME v0 – an example for L30: $ ./create_newcase -case f1850c5_conusx4v1 -project 150001 -compset F1850C5 -res conusx4v1_conusx4v1 -mach skybridge
      ACME v1 – an example for L72: $ ./create_newcase -case fFC5AV1C-04P2_conusx4v1 -project 150001 -compset FC5AV1C-04P2 -res conusx4v1_conusx4v1 -mach skybridge

  3. Edit env_mach_pes.xml as needed.  For Sandia's skybridge machine, using 800 cores and 1 thread for each component runs at X.YZ simulated years per day.
  4. Edit env_run.xml as needed to specify the run-length. 
  5. Set-up and build the case.
    $ ./cesm_setup   
    $ ./$  
     (When building a case for the first time, the script will look for the boundary and initial condition files which are located on the ACME data server.  See ACME Input Data Repository.)
  6. Edit the namelist files (i.e., user_nl_cam) for user-specified output settings.  The recommended settings (as of ) are to follow the ne120 tunings for v0.3 listed in ne120 user_nl_cam.   The user should change zmconv_tau from 3000 to 3600, an ne30 setting, when running RRM.
  7. Run your $CASENAME
  8. Report the machine upon which you successfully ran the RRM configuration.  (/wiki/spaces/ED/pages/1867951 for a list of machines)
MachineDateACME CaseResolutionDurationPOCNotes


FC5AV1C-04P2CONUS5 days


FC5AV1C-04CONUS5 days

FC5AV1C-04P2CONUS15 days



FC5AV1C-04P2CONUS15 days

LLNL LC machines



FC5AV1C-03conusx4v1_conusx4v15 days

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