Running the ACME Single Column Model

This page provides instructions on running the ACME single column model (SCM). 

NOTE: recent ACME master (post May 11, 2017) should be used to run the ACME SCM

SCM case library can be found here

Input Data:

All input data required to run the SCM should be installed and accessible to users on Edison, Anvil, and select Livermore Computing machines (Cab and Syrah).  Should you run on a different machine, this data should be automatically downloaded from the ACME SVN input data server. 

Initial Condition: The initial condition file needed is for the 72L Eulerian dynamical core.  Should you run on a machine where this file is not installed, it can be obtained from the ACME SVN input data server (

IOP File: To run a case, you will need an IOP file.  If running one of the cases included in the ACME SCM case library, then these are already installed on the aforementioned machines.  Otherwise, they can be obtained from the ACME SVN input data server (

Prescribed Aerosol: If running with the prescribed aerosol specification option then you will also need access to the MAM4 72L prescribed aerosol file.  Should you run on a machine where this file is not installed, it can be obtained from the ACME SVN input server (

Compile, Configure, and Run the ACME SCM:

To compile, configure, and run the ACME SCM, your best resource to get started is to examine one of the run scripts for a verified case on this page

Compile: Thus far the ACME SCM has been tested and verified to work on Edison, Anvil, and Livermore Computing machines (specifically Cab and Syrah).  The SCM should work on any ACME supported machine, with the main difference being that the code should be built in serial mode (i.e. setting MPILIB to "mpi-serial").  We plan to test/verify that the model works on more machines in the near future.  However, contact Peter Bogenschutz ( should you have troubles getting running on a specific machine.

Configure: SCM cases should include "-scam" in the CAM configure options.  In addition, the grid should be set to T42_T42.  Currently, the ACME SCM can ONLY be run with the Eulerian dynamical core.  Note that there are plans to remove this dycore dependency in the near future.  The run scripts on this page set all the necessary configure options to run SCM with ACMEv1 atmosphere. 

Run: The ACME SCM run scripts include the option of submitting to the machine queue.  Note that since the ACME SCM uses negligible computational resources, it is more efficient to run on the login nodes.  To avoid submitting to the queue set submit_to_queue to "false" at the top of your run_acme_scm script. 

Add a Case:

This site contains an SCM case library with many cases for the user to choose from.  Should you have a case you would like to run that is not included in this library, we recommend starting with one of the run scripts for a verified case as a template.  The case specific information of the script that will need to be changed are: 1) the IOP file (see "iop_file" and "iop_path"), 2) Aerosol specification type (either constant droplet, observed aerosols, or prescribed aerosols), and 3) directly below "END USER DEFINED SETTINGS" the block of the script entitled "Case specific information kept here" will need to be modified for the specific case. 

When you have a case working that you are willing to share with the community, let us know!

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