EAMxx User's Guide
EAMxx is not yet officially supported. Use these pages at your own risk.
Here you can find information on how to configure and run EAMxx, E3SM’s convection-permitting atmosphere model, which is written in performance-portable C++ and will become the ATM component for E3SMv4.
EAMxx has a high-resolution configuration called “SCREAM (Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model)”. In fact, EAMxx was originally named SCREAM, so several of the resources below refer to SCREAM instead of EAMxx, but the two actually refer to the same atmospheric model.
Platform-Specific Instructions and Issues
Creating Cases and Running Coupled Simulations
Debugging Coupled Simulations
Model Evaluation
Performance archive: GitHub - E3SM-Project/perf-data
Evaluation Tools
Documentation for Specific Atmospheric Processes
2023: Latest work in cloud-resolving models, used for the SCREAM https://acme-climate.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EP/pages/3668344920