Land breakout agenda (2 hrs total)

  • Invited talks (15 minutes each)
  • Papers being/to be written using the V1 model (15 min)
  • Integration with human dimensions tasks (15 min)
    • include aerosols, marine biogenic aerosols
    • methane
    • Kate: 
      • feel well-connected to Ruby's group, and carbon cycle experiments
      • doesn't think that many other land group members know what's happening in h.d. team
    • George
      • producing gridded maps of irrigation locations
      • multiple crop type mapping
    • Ben: show up for 4:10 Thursday talk!!
    • Beth: not sure how crops fit in
  • V2 development plans (15 min)
  • Identify topics to highlight in our speed-dating (cross-group) discussions (15 min)
    • Atm-Land
      • elevation class
      • integration of anthropogenic non-co2 emissions
    • Ocean/Ice-Land
      • ocean bgc discussion, spinup
      • river delta and coastal bgc
    • Workflow-Land
      • integration of iLAMB metrics package
    • SE/Cpl-Land
      • v2 interacting with 4 external libraries, need a formal method for interaction with these
      • moving iESM coupling code into ACME
      • code getting convoluted, need some development guidelines
      • (land only?) how will we make new surface datasets (mapping files, mksurfdat)
    • Performance-Land