2016-06-09 ACME All-Hands V1 Sessions

Please take notes from questions and discussions and post in on this page

Session TimeDurationStart - End TimeSession / Confluence PagePlenary RoomBreakOut #1BreakOut #2

Poster Room

Thursday, Jun 9th, 2016
2h 11:05 - 2:20 pmACME v1 Session

Session Chair: Shaocheng Xie  

 30 min +10 min11:05 - 11:45 am 

Operational Plans on Running v1 Major Experiments (Chris Golaz /coupled)(Presentation + Discussion)

1h 15 min 11:45 - 1:00 pmLunch    
 30 min + 10 min1:00 - 1:40 pm 

v1 Process for Data Management, infrastructure and Diagnostics (Dean N. Williams (Unlicensed)(Presentation + Discussion)

 30 min + 10 min1:40 - 2:20 pm 

Overview and Discussion on Papers written/in writing/to be written (Todd Ringler (Unlicensed)Peter ThorntonPhil Rasch (pnl.gov) (Unlicensed)(Presentation + Discussion)



Change of plans for the first session.

Hight throughput discussion, Requirement for the machine

  • ne11 2.5 deg  watercycle experiment, need input files, compsets, maping files, easily 2 weeks work if it is high priority, 
  • Todd, ok, but no intention to use as a scientific run
  • Mark, ne11  is the lowest reasonable resolution to be earth-like
  • land - can you do ne11 case, Phil - they need land domain file and they can do that, who can do the domain file? 
  • Mark, Andy - we also need 10 deg for fast testing to catch the bugs 
  • Mark - if we do one case, we should do two together, 10 deg and 2 deg, extremely low res for SE and very low for scientists
  • requirement – 40 years per day on the yet to be defined system that we will buy
  • less then 300 cores, 40 years per day
  • Chris notes on Edison – problems with the machine unrelated to the code, so there is not good enough support of the machine
  • Chris would like to automatically kill the hang up job and have another job ready to run, so we do not wait in the queue
  • We need stable machine environment, 
  • need routinely run tests that the code runs on the LCF
  • failing exact restart, we did not know about it for some time, comprehensive tests would help with that.
  • Chris - edison is an interesting machine, it works for some time, then stops and no one knows why 
  • another use is to have the machine for fixing the current failure on the low res coupled model that needs to be fixes urgently
  • what's the time and effort for the two requirements

  • Dave - someone will use the super low case and use it for science, we should not release this case code, we could mark it clearly as only for testing






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