2023-10-12 All-Hands Presentation Meeting Notes
Presenter: Matthew Hoffman, LANL
Title: Framework for Antarctic System Science in E3SM SciDAC5 project overview
Framework for Antarctic System Science in E3SM (FAnSSIE) is a SciDAC5 E3SM ecosystem project to mature the representation of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and its connections to the climate system in E3SM. The project focuses on developments in three areas: 1) addition of critical linkages between AIS and the climate system in E3SM, focusing on an evolving ice-shelf interface in MPAS-Ocean and improved snow and firn processes in ELM; 2) fundamental improvements to the physical processes, numerical methods, and computational performance of the ice-sheet component, MALI, with a focus on representing realistic ice fracture and calving; and 3) combining E3SM simulations with an evolving Antarctic Ice Sheet, large ensembles of standalone MALI, and surrogate models to quantify uncertainty in the future contribution to sea-level rise from AIS.
- PT: 8:30 am
- ET: 11:30 am
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