MPAS-Coastal ocean dynamics

1.Poster TitleMPAS-Coastal: A pathway for including coastal dynamics and impacts in ACME V2
2.AuthorsTodd Ringler (Unlicensed), Doug Jacobsen (Unlicensed), Mark Petersen, Mathew Maltrud, Milena Veneziani, Philip Jones, Phillip Wolfram, Joel Rowland, Cathy Wilson
5.Poster CategoryFuture Direction
6.Submission Typeposter
7.Poster LinkMPASCoastal.pdf



The multi-scale capability of the Model for Prediction Across Scale (MPAS) modeling approach could be extended to include direct simulation of coastal ocean processes as a part of the global ACME system. Coastal processes will mediate many of the societally-relevant impacts driven by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, including regional sea-level rise, coastal ecosystem dynamics, inundation frequency, and fisheries. Depending on the specific science applications, these coastal processes could be included using a high-resolution region within MPAS-Ocean or as a new ACME "component" designed specifically to simulate coastal ocean dynamics, MPAS-Coastal.

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