B02. EAMv1 aquaplanet simulation with CONUS RRM

Poster TitleEAMv1 aquaplanet simulation with CONUS RRM
First AuthorXue Zheng
TopicWater cycle
AffiliationE3SM Water Cycle, LLNL
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EAMv1 aquaplanet simulation with CONUS RRM


Xue Zheng (LLNL), Chris Golaz (LLNL), and Walter Hannah (LLNL)


RRM will be an important part of E3SM Phase 2 simulation campaign. The main known challenges for atmospheric RRM simulations include the poor scale awareness of the cloud parameterizations and optimum orography smoothing within the RRM domain. We plan to improve the scale awareness of the cloud parameterizations in aqua-planet simulations, in which the effects of the land and topography are excluded. We will first evaluate the model sensitivity to spatial resolution in the aqua-planet simulation with CONUS RRM. And then we will test different ways to minimize the undesirable discontinuities inside and outside of the RRM domain.