MPAS-Ocean and MPAS-Seaice meshes
Short name | Long name | Vertical | E3SM | Bathymetry | Description | Pull Request |
ECwISC30to60E3r2 | ECwISC30to60kmL64E3SMv3r2 | 64 | v2 | GEBCO 2023 + Bedmachine v3 | MPAS Eddy Closure ("low res") mesh with ice-shelf cavities | |
Short name | Long name | Vertical | E3SM | Bathymetry | Description | Pull Request |
ECwISC30to60E2r1 | ECwISC30to60kmL60E3SMv2r01 | 60 | v2 | GEBCO + Bedmachine | MPAS Eddy Closure ("low res") mesh with ice-shelf cavities | |
EC30to60E2r2 | EC30to60kmL60E3SMv2r02 | 60 | v2 | ETOPO2 | MPAS Eddy Closure ("low res") mesh | |
EC15to60E2r4 | EC15to60kmL60E3SMv2r04 | 60 | v2 | GEBCO + Bedmachine | MPAS Eddy Closure ("low res") mesh with 15 km resolution in the North Atlantic around Greenland | |
SOwISC12to60E2r4 | SOwISC12to60kmL60E3SMv2r4 | 60 | v2 | GEBCO + Bedmachine | MPAS Southern Ocean Regionally Refined Mesh (SORRM) with 12 km resolution around Antarctica and ice-shelf cavities | |
WC14to60E2r3 | WC14to60kmL60E3SMv2r03 | 60 | v2 | ETOPO2 | MPAS North America and Arctic Focused Water Cycle mesh, with a focused 14-km resolution around North America | |
WCAtl12to45E2r4 | WCAlt12to60kmL60E3SMv2r04 | 60 |