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2018-11 DOE Modeling PI Meeting + E3SM
Agenda EESM PI Meeting
PI Meeting Poster Sessions
E3SM Presentations on PI Meeting per Session
E3SM Posters/Presentation in PI Modeling Meeting
Oral Presentations
E3SM Session Posters
E1.1 Convection parameterization
E1.2 Evaluation of Cloud Simulations
E1.3 Three-Moment Representation of Rain in a Cloud Microphysics Model
E1.4 Improving cloud and precipitation overlap in E3SM
E1.5 Ice nucleation in E3SM and climatic effects of dust on mixed-phase clouds
E1.6 E3SM Aerosol NGD
E1.7 E3SM Evaluation using GPM/NEXRAD
E1.8 Momentum Transport
E1.9 Development of a Global Q3D MMF for E3SM
E2.1 ELM v2 Data Architecture
E2.2 Effects of CO2 concentration and human intervention on the water cycle
E2.3 Development and verification of terrestrial biophysical multi-physics processes
E2.4 Dynamic vegetation and ELM-FATES Progress
E2.5 The evaluation and global offline simulations using ELM v1
E2.6 Evaluating ELM using LIDET observations
E2.7 Enabling future land-use scenarios within E3SM
E2.8 Seasonality of irrigation water withdrawal in E3SM
E2.9 Land use/cover is a primary determinant of carbon and temperature projections
E2.10 Climate-driven crop planting date in the E3SM Land Model
E2.11 Marine Biogeochemistry for E3SM BGC/Energy Applications
E2.12 Overview of Uncertainty Quantification Methods for Complex Models
E2.13 E3SM land biogeochemistry modeling
E3.1 NonHydrostaticAtmosphere
E3.2 A stochastic approach to representing fast processes
E3.3 Improving Convergence in a Simple Physics Model
E3.4 E3SM-FIVE, Progress and Plan
E3.5 Modeling soluble iron in E3SM
E3.6 UltraParameterized CAM
E3.7 Climate Model with Explicit Embedded Boundary Layer Turbulence
E4.2 Coastal Modeling with SCHISM
E4.3 Sea Ice V2-V4 plans
E4.4 Multi-resolution Unstructured Mesh Generation for MPAS
E4.5 Exponential Time Differencing for the Tracer Equations
E4.6 Improving MPAS-O Time-Stepping Algorithm
E4.7 SciDAC ProSPect 1: Ice Sheet Model Development
E4.8 SciDAC ProSPect 2: Optimization, V&V, and UQ
E4.9 Antarctic Sea Level Rise
E4.10 Effects of climate variability on Thwaites Glacier
E4.11 Localized ETD Based on Domain Decomposition
E4.12 Unified Snow and Sea-Ice RT in E3SM
E4.13 Exponential Integrators with Fast and Slow Mode Splitting for Multilayer Ocean Models
E4.14 Local Time-Stepping Schemes for the SWEs
E5.1 Wind wave coupled climate dynamics at global to coastal scales for ocean-wave-ice interactions
E5.2 Climatic responses to future trans-Arctic shipping
E7.1 Containerized E3SM Workflows
E7.2 MOAB-TempestRemap E3SM online remapper
E7.3 Automated Diagnostics and Post Processing for E3SM Model Output
E7.4 E3SM Diagnostics Package: E3SM_diags
E8.1 Semi-Lagrangian tracer transport in the E3SM atmospheric dycore
E9.1 E3SM Assessment with CONUS RRM grid and the CAPT approach
E9.2 Dust Life Cycle and Direct Radiative Effects
E9.3 Marine subtropical low stratiform cloud decks in E3SMv1
E9.4 Ocean Barrier Layers in E3SMv1
E9.5 Monsoons and NGMS
E9.6 Predicting the Rainfall over the Indonesian-Australian Continent
E9.7 Cloud and Convective Characteristics in E3SM v1
E9.8 v1 High-Res Results
E9.9 v1 Standard-res results
E9.10 The Madden Julian Oscillation: CESM1 and E3SMv1
E9.11 Parametric sensitivity and uncertainty quantification in EAMv1 based on PPE simulations
E9.12 Model Resolution Sensitivity of the Simulation of North Atlantic Oscillation Teleconnections to Precipitation Extremes
E10.1 Weaker land-climate feedbacks from nutrient uptake during photosynthesis-inactive periods
E10.2 Atmospheric Chemistry in E3SM
E11.1 Validation of Ice-Ocean Interactions in E3SM
E11.2 The Southern Annular Mode and Southern Ocean Surface Westerly Winds in E3SM
E11.3 Representation of Antarctic Freshwater Fluxes
E11.4 Water-mass transformation analysis
E11.5 Evaluation of E3SMv1 Atmospheric Simulations Over the Southern Polar Region
E11.6 MPAS-Analysis: a Package for Evaluating MPAS Simulations
Integrated Posters
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E3SM Conferences and Meetings
E3SM Session Posters
E3.6 UltraParameterized CAM
E3.6 UltraParameterized CAM
Renata McCoy
Owned by
Renata McCoy
Oct 31, 2018
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Poster Title
Insensitivity of the cloud response to surface warming under radical changes to boundary layer turbulence and cloud microphysics: Results from the UltraParameterized CAM
Mike Pritchard
First Author
Mike Pritchard
Session Type
E3SM Session
Session ID
Submission Type
Poster Link
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