E3SM Session Posters
- E1.1 Convection parameterization
- E1.2 Evaluation of Cloud Simulations
- E1.3 Three-Moment Representation of Rain in a Cloud Microphysics Model
- E1.4 Improving cloud and precipitation overlap in E3SM
- E1.5 Ice nucleation in E3SM and climatic effects of dust on mixed-phase clouds
- E1.6 E3SM Aerosol NGD
- E1.7 E3SM Evaluation using GPM/NEXRAD
- E1.8 Momentum Transport
- E1.9 Development of a Global Q3D MMF for E3SM
- E2.1 ELM v2 Data Architecture
- E2.2 Effects of CO2 concentration and human intervention on the water cycle
- E2.3 Development and verification of terrestrial biophysical multi-physics processes
- E2.4 Dynamic vegetation and ELM-FATES Progress
- E2.5 The evaluation and global offline simulations using ELM v1
- E2.6 Evaluating ELM using LIDET observations
- E2.7 Enabling future land-use scenarios within E3SM
- E2.8 Seasonality of irrigation water withdrawal in E3SM
- E2.9 Land use/cover is a primary determinant of carbon and temperature projections
- E2.10 Climate-driven crop planting date in the E3SM Land Model
- E2.11 Marine Biogeochemistry for E3SM BGC/Energy Applications
- E2.12 Overview of Uncertainty Quantification Methods for Complex Models
- E2.13 E3SM land biogeochemistry modeling
- E3.1 NonHydrostaticAtmosphere
- E3.2 A stochastic approach to representing fast processes
- E3.3 Improving Convergence in a Simple Physics Model
- E3.4 E3SM-FIVE, Progress and Plan
- E3.5 Modeling soluble iron in E3SM
- E3.6 UltraParameterized CAM
- E3.7 Climate Model with Explicit Embedded Boundary Layer Turbulence
- E4.2 Coastal Modeling with SCHISM
- E4.3 Sea Ice V2-V4 plans
- E4.4 Multi-resolution Unstructured Mesh Generation for MPAS
- E4.5 Exponential Time Differencing for the Tracer Equations
- E4.6 Improving MPAS-O Time-Stepping Algorithm
- E4.7 SciDAC ProSPect 1: Ice Sheet Model Development
- E4.8 SciDAC ProSPect 2: Optimization, V&V, and UQ
- E4.9 Antarctic Sea Level Rise
- E4.10 Effects of climate variability on Thwaites Glacier
- E4.11 Localized ETD Based on Domain Decomposition
- E4.12 Unified Snow and Sea-Ice RT in E3SM
- E4.13 Exponential Integrators with Fast and Slow Mode Splitting for Multilayer Ocean Models
- E4.14 Local Time-Stepping Schemes for the SWEs
- E5.1 Wind wave coupled climate dynamics at global to coastal scales for ocean-wave-ice interactions
- E5.2 Climatic responses to future trans-Arctic shipping
- E7.1 Containerized E3SM Workflows
- E7.2 MOAB-TempestRemap E3SM online remapper
- E7.3 Automated Diagnostics and Post Processing for E3SM Model Output
- E7.4 E3SM Diagnostics Package: E3SM_diags
- E8.1 Semi-Lagrangian tracer transport in the E3SM atmospheric dycore
- E9.1 E3SM Assessment with CONUS RRM grid and the CAPT approach
- E9.2 Dust Life Cycle and Direct Radiative Effects
- E9.3 Marine subtropical low stratiform cloud decks in E3SMv1
- E9.4 Ocean Barrier Layers in E3SMv1
- E9.5 Monsoons and NGMS
- E9.6 Predicting the Rainfall over the Indonesian-Australian Continent
- E9.7 Cloud and Convective Characteristics in E3SM v1
- E9.8 v1 High-Res Results
- E9.9 v1 Standard-res results
- E9.10 The Madden Julian Oscillation: CESM1 and E3SMv1
- E9.11 Parametric sensitivity and uncertainty quantification in EAMv1 based on PPE simulations
- E9.12 Model Resolution Sensitivity of the Simulation of North Atlantic Oscillation Teleconnections to Precipitation Extremes
- E10.1 Weaker land-climate feedbacks from nutrient uptake during photosynthesis-inactive periods
- E10.2 Atmospheric Chemistry in E3SM
- E11.1 Validation of Ice-Ocean Interactions in E3SM
- E11.2 The Southern Annular Mode and Southern Ocean Surface Westerly Winds in E3SM
- E11.3 Representation of Antarctic Freshwater Fluxes
- E11.4 Water-mass transformation analysis
- E11.5 Evaluation of E3SMv1 Atmospheric Simulations Over the Southern Polar Region
- E11.6 MPAS-Analysis: a Package for Evaluating MPAS Simulations
, multiple selections available,