Polar+Ice Group Sessions

Powerpoint Template:

9:45-10am Tuesday: Polar Processes, Sea-Level Rise, and Coastal Impacts Group





11:45-12noon Tuesday: Ice Group





1:30- 3:00 Tuesday Polar + Ice Breakout: Epic/Task Accomplishments + Current Plans

Lightning talks, ~5 minutes (1-2 slides). Speakers based on current Polar+Ice Epics. Please use the proforma at the top of this page specifically for this session to guide you on the required format.

  • Ice:

    • Greenland Ice Sheet Coupling

      • @Trevor Hillebrand GIS Development

      • @Matt Hoffman GIS-Ocean Coupling

      • @Stephen Price GIS-SMB Coupling

      • @Stephen Price GIS Coupled Simulations

    • Sea Ice Model Development

      • @Erin Thomas Wave-Ice Development

      • @Andrew Roberts Sea ice state space and coupling

      • @Elizabeth Hunke Snow on sea ice analysis, CICE Consortium activities

      • @Charlie Zender Improvements to radiation coupling

  • Polar:

    • @Andrew Roberts BlueTip Experiment and Sea Ice Critical Thresholds

    • @Darin Comeau BlueTip Marine Ice Sheet Instability: SORRM v2.1

    • @Carolyn Begeman BlueTip Basal Melt Instability: SORRM v3

    • @Erin Thomas BlueTip Wave-Sea Ice Antarctic Critical Thresholds

    • @Stephen Price BlueTip Surface Mass Balance Critical Thresholds

11:00-11:10 Wednesday Polar+Ice Breakout Plenary Report




1:30-2:30 Wednesday Polar + Ice Breakout: Developing 12-months Roadmap