Land-River-Human Group Breakouts: 2023-06

Breakout #1, Monday 6/26, 3:20-4:20 MDT, Silverton Room

V3 Land Configuration

V3 Land Configuration

3:20 (10 min)

Peter Thornton: Active BGC features


3:30 (10 min)

(Presenter TBD): Active hydrology features


3:40 (10 min)

Yilin Fang: Assessment of hydrological biases


High-Resolution Land for V4

3:50 (10 min)

Dali Wang: GPU implementation for high-res land


4:00 (10 min)

(Presenter TBD): I/O topics for high-res land


Roadmaps for FY24 and FY25

4:10 (10 min)

Peter Thornton and Gautam Bisht: Review staffing decisions and discuss reorganization of Epics



Breakout #2, Tuesday 6/27, 1:15-2:15 MDT, Silverton Room

Potential V4/V5 Developments from Ecosystem Projects

Potential V4/V5 Developments from Ecosystem Projects

1:15 (15 min)

Charlie Koven: NGEE Tropics - FATES disturbance dynamics



1:30 (15 min)

Peter Thornton: NGEE Arctic - Tundra process modules


1:45 (15 min)

Dan Ricciuto: SPRUCE (TES SFA) - Multi-column hydrology



V3 Model Documentation

2:00 (15 min)

Peter Thornton and Gautam Bisht: Tools and strategies for developing comprehensive ELM v3 documentation


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