| Presenter Last Name | Poster Title | Confluence Link | Google Drive Link | Slack Channel |
1 | Asay-Davis, Xylar xylar@lanl.gov | Designing Regionally Refined Ocean and Sea-ice Meshes for the E3SM v2 Cryosphere Science Campaign | Asay-Davis_Xylar_PS1-Cryosphere_2020-10-27.pptx
| https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mOxNy0V_2-95_NyNS9S3zd6Wl4ZriKYQ/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-cryosphere |
2 | Asay-Davis, Xylar xylar@lanl.gov | E3SM Ocean and Sea-ice Diagnostics with MPAS-Analysis | Asay-Davis_Xylar_PS1-Diagnostics___Infrastructure_2020-10-27.pptx
| https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MO5wu8HdMqFA6-XePUBlRC02CkG4tdTU/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-diagnostics_and_infrastructure |
3 | Balaguru, Karthik karthik.balaguru@pnnl.gov | Analysis of Eastern Subtropical North Pacific SST Bias in the E3SM | Balaguru_Karthik_PS1_Water_Cycle_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pAVutVTGUvxNxpU6BlIMzkdNiNr232jQ/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-water_cycle |
4 | Beydoun, Hassan beydoun1@llnl.gov | Quantifying the Response of Anvil Cloud Fraction to Sea Surface Warming in SCREAM-RCE | Beydoun_Hassan_PS2-Atmosphere-2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rawv38ZnjxP2kFOeVWmgTBP1xhRLf6Dv/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
5 | Bishnu, Siddhartha siddhartha.bishnu@gmail.com | A Suite of Verification Exercises for the Barotropic Solver of Ocean Models | Bishnu_Siddhartha_PS2-Algorithms_Performance___Machine_Learning_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W08WllnPDhbvyQC6-dE7sRbqCV8qKJh4/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-algorithms_performance_and_ml |
6 | Bisht, Gautam gautam.bisht@pnnl.gov | Development of a Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum Model With Support for Heterogenous Computing Architectures | Bisht_Gautam-PS2-Land_River_%26_Energy_2010-10-28.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TTRb-VmJ1V1Q_hkB0cZU5RBu9SnAHPMo/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-land_river_and_energy |
7 | Bogenschutz, Peter bogenschutz1@llnl.gov | Efficient Configurations: Single Column and Standalone Cloud Resolving Models | Bogenschutz_Peter_PS2-Atmosphere_2020-10-28.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WImd_3rnbBENVj1oJfVrD8CkmRody3xv/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
8 | Brunke, Michael brunke@arizona.edu | Attribution of E3SMv1’s Snowpack Biases and Errors in Trends to Temperature and Precipitation over the Contiguous U.S. | Brunke_Michael_PS1-Water_cycle_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BsXvrS31Ks1QVfmqJ92P58Y248CqNjE3/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-water_cycle |
9 | Calandrini, Sara scalandrini@lanl.gov | A Modified TRiSK Scheme to Address Instabilities Found in MPAS-Ocean | Calandrini_Sara_PS1-Ocean_Coastal_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/11cPG3i0FQPL8aGDicQqiHmBx3T32UmEp/view | #ps1-ocean_coastal |
10 | Cameron-Smith, Philip pjc@llnl.gov | A Photolysis Scheme That Understands Clouds: Fast-J | Cameron-Smith_Philip_PS2-Atmosphere_2020-10-26 (revised).pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rl4fOocBzLn_Jb_vtjcC6pJgH6e5PLuA/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
11 | Cao, Zhendong caozd999@lanl.gov | Implementation of Turbulence and Sediment Transport Models in MPAS-Ocean | Cao_Zhendong_PS1_Ocean_Coastal_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jMEImAPIHAemWhQi_mdL27jWqubkVN4m/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-ocean_coastal |
12 | Capodaglio, Giacomo gcapodaglio@lanl.gov | Local Time Stepping Schemes for Global to Coastal Simulations in MPAS-Ocean | Capodaglio_Giacomo_PS1_Ocean_Coastal_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gJ9jJ1ClbDc7iFRIMLNHhzHXa9qyeYMH/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-ocean_coastal |
13 | Comeau, Darin dcomeau@lanl.gov | Preliminary Results Using Regionally Refined Ocean and Sea-ice Meshes for the E3SM v2 Cryosphere Science Campaign | Comeau_Darin_PS1-Cryosphere_2020-10-26_2.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VLYuTflF9Qpmdn96Tr7q5SDDfHam6q0o/view?usp=sharing | #ps1-cryosphere |
14 | Comeau, Darin dcomeau@lanl.gov | Summary of the Cryosphere v1 Simulation Campaign Overview Manuscript | Comeau_Darin_PS1-Cryosphere_2020-10-26_1.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/10gm-rUHWtw4kryld1Kq7MogXUV3EbTyD/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-cryosphere |
15 | Drewniak, Beth bbye@anl.gov | ELM-Crop in Coupled Model Framework | Drewniak_Beth_PS2-Land_River___Energy_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-iOte-0o-smY0E0_Cf436sYf8EZhuRHn/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-land_river_and_energy |
16 | Eldred, Christopher celdred@sandia.gov | Progress Towards a New CRM for E3SM-MMF | Eldred_Christopher_PS2-Algorithms_Performance___Machine_Learning_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zb_6Wm83e6EbdqiPUKADPpyxM9ilTErH/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-algorithms_performance_and_ml |
17 | Engwirda, Darren dengwirda@lanl.gov | 'Unified' Ocean-Land-River Modelling Using Compatible Unstructured Meshes | Engwirda_Darren_PS1-Ocean_Coastal_2020-10-26_revised.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kg9G2EtftdR44t3B29q-hDsn9RTr1NHQ/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-ocean_coastal |
18 | Fan, Jiwen jiwen.fan@pnnl.gov | Impact of a New Cloud Microphysics Scheme on Simulations of Mesoscale Convective Systems in E3SM Regionally Refined Model (RRM) | Fan_Jiwen_PS2-Atmosphere_2020-10-28.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-_vBeQ07S2uLvbwlCNCH-mxlLBEjwaxe/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
19 | Fang, Yilin yilin.fang@pnnl.gov | Towards Mechanistic Unraveling of Plant Physiological Response to Increasing Vapor Pressure Deficit | Fang_Yilin_PS1-Water_Cycle_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R2EwaqDiuhHk14rxEMya7Z9sYcAiSKO1/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-water_cycle |
20 | Fang, Yuanhao yhfang@arizona.edu | Improving the Representation of Lateral Flow in E3SM Land Model | Fang_Yuanhao_PS1-Water_Cycle_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_pOcREnzErTpR_MhxYV7Dbhbjlj_Lf4Q/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-water_cycle |
21 | Feng, Yan yfeng@anl.gov | Influence of High-latitude Dust on Aerosol Concentrations and Deposition in the Arctic | Feng_Yan_PS1-Water_Cycle_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fLDPVZUbgtXCK5ViE9cKfTr_8iSUqdok/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-water_cycle |
22 | Forsyth, Ryan forsyth2@llnl.gov | Zstash v0.4.2: HPSS Long-Term Archiving Tool | Forsyth_Ryan_PS1-Diagnostics___Infrastructure_2020-10-26_revised.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n-nMqI4I2Pi7If2KaUv6BbOjIIByaXb0/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-diagnostics_and_infrastructure |
23 | Chien, Rong-You rchien@vols.utk.edu | Verification of High-Efficiency Chemistry Numerical Solver in the Global Model Using E3SM | Chien_Rong-You_PS2-Algorithms_Performance_&_Machine_Learning_2020-10-26.pdf Chien_Rong-You_PS2-Algorithms_Performance_%26_Machine_Learning_2020-10-26.mp4 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iXuEu-NyA5etIE3AKPnkZP6Ubougul44/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview https://drive.google.com/file/d/1m999n1C7JBeOUN481bgaYincuYbft-Eo/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-algorithms_performance_and_ml |
24 | Garanaik, Amrapalli amrapallig@lanl.gov | A New Eddy Diffusivity Parameterization for Ocean Models Using Assumed Distribution Higher-Order Closure (ADHOC) | Garanaik_Amrapalli_PS1_Ocean_Coastal_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/13es2sCSUvtShWqvgbUEnGbFrfasSuOR9/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-ocean_coastal |
25 | Guba, Oksana onguba@sandia.gov | A Framework to Evaluate IMEX Schemes for Atmospheric Models | Guba_Oksana_PS2-Algorithms_Performance___Machine_Learning_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cRJn0tR2LVOqlubt7yUY-OfTmRUONbB0/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-algorithms_performance_and_ml |
26 | Hager, Alexander ahager@uoregon.edu | Stable Channelized Subglacial Drainage Beneath Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica | Hager_Alex_PS2-Cryosphere_2020-10-28.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1THzfKX0PldJrTnxfxTN9W_Hieoz0iec3/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-land_ice |
27 | Hamilton, Douglas dsh224@cornell.edu | Modeling the Ferrous Wheel (the Iron Cycle) and Anthropocene Changes in Ocean BGC | Hamilton_Douglas_PS1-BGC_2020-10-26.pptx | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H05NHm4nhxjDjCo91EsaCByhy3z5pp0B/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-bgc |
28 | Harrop, Bryce bryce.harrop@pnnl.gov | Evaluating the Water Cycle Over CONUS Using Multiple Metrics for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Across Resolution | Harrop_Bryce_PS1-Water_Cycle_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ddwNLp_bvizWL8P2MQLf5rDLZzDCieHj/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-water_cycle |
29 | Hillebrand, Trevor trhille@lanl.gov | Retreat of Humboldt Glacier, North Greenland | Hillebrand_Trevor_PS2-Land_Ice_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZxxK__sZDfjQscyBJ5Ha6XOEFwonULzF/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-land_ice |
30 | Hoffman, Matthew mhoffman@lanl.gov | Sensitivity of Coupled Solid Earth - Ice Sheet Modeling of Thwaites Glacier to Earth Rheology and Coupling Timescale | Hoffman_Matthew_PS2-Land_Ice_2020-10-28.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AEgQH-YVNxUVntJKZ9Yl2ckP7GhZweFV/view?usp=sharing | #ps2-land_ice |
31 | Holder, Christopher cholder2@jhu.edu | Using Neural Network Ensembles to Differentiate Biology and Physics in Earth system Models | Holder_Christopher_PS2-Algorithms_Performance___Machine_Learning_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x_3a60h3Tqu0ndcLFRt4ZAxu5vXA6bhs/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-algorithms_performance_and_ml |
32 | Holm, Jennifer jaholm@lbl.gov | ELM-FATES Progress Updates: Impacts of Modeling Global Vegetation Demography and Dynamic Plant Competition | Holm_Jennifer_PS2_Land_River___Energy_2020-10-28.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZwDIQvKQ-AjwDh2DkgfRAgAUD5IbpvBv/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-land_river_and_energy |
33 | Hunke, Elizabeth eclare@lanl.gov | CICE Consortium Progress and Plans | Hunke_Elizabeth_PS2-Sea_Ice-2020-10-26.pdf Hunke_Elizabeth_PS2-Sea_Ice-2020-10-26_revised_with_narration.pptx
| https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h1RtKksXxwA3NE9BSVtmJn6y034iQrmm/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview https://drive.google.com/file/d/16P04TmDBEuYFpxLD7Ooa2vIaHterNni5/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-sea_ice |
34 | Jeffery, Nicole njeffery@lanl.gov | A Key Role for DON Remineralization in Arctic Sea Ice | Jeffery_Nicole_PS1-BGC_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Aj3owLQ3howpjII-AMR_g1xzGDgrqhpB/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-bgc |
35 | Johnson, Jeffrey jeff@cohere-llc.com | A High-Performance Modal Aerosol Dynamics Library Based on MAM | Johnson_Jeffrey_PS2-Atmosphere_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pb5dCNkfOHF1MBYLMX5wE7srvAY4QHQh/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
36 | Kang, Hyun-Gyu kangh@ornl.gov | A Barotropic Mode Solver for MPAS-Ocean Using ForTrilinos | Kang_Hyun_PS2-Algorithms_Performance___Machine_Learning_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xem3kPJAs3UyAGKbaqmgr7Sig_jWYBj1/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-algorithms_performance_and_ml |
37 | Kaul, Colleen colleen.kaul@pnnl.gov | Liquid Cloud Testbed Simulations Using a Novel Large Eddy Simulation Capability | Kaul_Colleen_PS2-Atmosphere_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sOKy3Gcg0ZLzd6BBVZVY5bMLFTpCjNDp/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
38 | Ke, Ziming zimingke@tamu.edu | Improving the E3SM Representation of the Stratospheric Aerosol Forcing Induced by Volcanic Eruptions | Ke_Ziming_PS2-Atmosphere_2010-10-28.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p_rWs_tO60Fa0doMhdcq8OsT_eIBwUly/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
39 | Larson, Vincent vlarson@uwm.edu | Development of a New Subgrid PDF Shape for E3SM: Current Status | Larson_Vincent_PS2-Atmosphere_1_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v47wHcb9qb3JTolaL9OU-0Jjo5SbNs3Y/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
40 | Larson, Vincent vlarson@uwm.edu | Parameterization of Deep Convection in E3SM with Higher-Order Closure | Larson_Vincent_PS2-Atmosphere_2_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pvFImJf1Wk3nun_Dlb2c6RZslsqBtuIg/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
41 | Lee, Hsiang-He lee1061@llnl.gov | A Novel Modeling Framework to Improve Stratocumulus by Increased Horizontal and Vertical Resolution | Lee_Hsiang-He_PS2-Atmosphere_2020-10-28.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pybl6IZDzLG9F5xQNOkM2DzmgUVWj0C5/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
42 | Li, Hongyi hli57@uh.edu | MOSART-Urban: a Semi-Distributed Regional Urban Flood Modeling Framework | Li_Hongyi_PS2-Land_River___Energy_2_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zg6xrCBJown5cS48Fqu75XaxDBGH-2wN/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-land_river_and_energy |
43 | Li, Hongyi hli57@uh.edu | MOSART-Lake: Development and Global Validation | Li_Hongyi_PS2-Land_River___Energy_1_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/16vlQMFZwm2HrOAdiD29d_c21oWctileD/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-land_river_and_energy |
44 | Liao, Chang chang.liao@pnnl.gov | A Hexagonal Mesh-Based Routing Method for Land Surface and Hydrologic Models | Liao_Chang_PS2-Land_River___Energy_2020-10-28.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/12KaqTJEf4E6neh9FqoomklK6r-PZmVJY/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-land_river_and_energy |
45 | Lin, Guangxing guangxing.lin@pnnl.gov | Improving the Prognostic Treatment of Cloud-borne Aerosols in E3SM | Lin_Guangxing_PS2-Atmosphere_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/15H8gfm9bfMEPE4ATuKNqtWXB5FXLQ5z1/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
46 | Lin, Wuyin wlin@bnl.gov | Evaluation of E3SMv1 Simulated Surface Winds Over the Southern Ocean and the Antarctica | Lin_Wuyin_PS1-Cryosphere_2020-10-26_Revised.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xuf8ghOw2Ev4fclXoG2lezkFMQN2HpTT/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-cryosphere |
47 | Lee, Doo Young wlin@bnl.gov | Evaluation of Wintertime Pacific North America Teleconnection in E3SM | Lee _DooYoung_PS1-Water_Cycle_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NeTNag8nWMecLyzvNmsQWgIXgKt34_FH/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-water_cycle |
48 | Liu, Weiran wraliu@ucdavis.edu | Performance of Hydrostatic and Nonhydrostatic Dynamical Cores in a Forecast Diagnostic Package | Liu_Weiran_PS2-Atmosphere_2020-10-28.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/189RZGQpD-4dG1pDOsTzQtVlsa8ar6KWq/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
49 | Liu, Xiaohong xiaohong.liu@tamu.edu | Improving Simulations of Biomass Burning Smoke and Anthropogenic Dust in E3SM | Liu_Xiaohong_PS2-Atmosphere_2020-10-28.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M7hh7LxbhWdL_PPLSfhCiNVTuQj5x8Ks/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
50 | Mahajan, Salil mahajans@ornl.gov | Machine Learning Approaches to Ensure Statistical Reproducibility of MPAS-O | Mahajan_Salil_PS2-Algorithms_Performance___Machine_Learning.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DR9QpNrl_PNnHrIeUxayG88ZlP-MxTBo/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-algorithms_performance_and_ml |
51 | Maltrud, Mathew maltrud@lanl.gov | Development of Regionally Refined Ocean/Sea Ice Meshes for E3SMv2 | Maltrud_Mathew_PS1-Water_Cycle_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1auZCbJEbtBXF264EDp8olxogbO4SLUcf/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-water_cycle |
52 | Martin, Daniel dfmartin@lbl.gov | E3SM BISICLES Next Generation Development (NGD) | Martin_Dan_PS2-Land_Ice_2020-10-26-draft.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/173gbVks029Bh9qjROf-f2KW6wunDOss_/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-land_ice |
53 | Martin, Daniel dfmartin@lbl.gov | Space-Time Adaptivity for Climate Models | Martin_Dan_PS2_Algorithms_Performance___Machine_Learning_2020-10-28.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LEPLcGzKCd7jbT2yfA_T3zpr9g3VQ1N6/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-algorithms_performance_and_ml |
54 | Nadiga, Balu balu@lanl.gov | Quantification of Non-Hydrostatic Effects and the Role of Vertical Resolution in HOMME | Nadiga_Balu_PS2-Atmosphere_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mHjfLEYDtp6nNfF3YidDshV_VZnaWveW/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
55 | Petersen, Mark mpetersen@lanl.gov | MPAS-Ocean Testing and Verification | Petersen_Mark_PS1_Ocean_Coastal_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OiwHkmq8h9s-RaSvpzC4kRUJxHpnnGTM/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-ocean_coastal |
56 | Pressel, Kyle kyle.pressel@pnnl.gov | A Novel Python Based Large Eddy Simulation Capability Designed to Generate Training Data for Machine Learning of Microphysical Process Rates | Pressel_Kyle_PS2-Algorithms_Performance___Machine_Learning_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iqC63_O1ELqhIYo7XtK4QkkELP7Grcnk/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-algorithms_performance_and_ml |
57 | Price, Stephen sprice@lanl.gov | Towards a Coupled Greenland Ice Sheet in E3SM | Price_Steve_PS2_LandIce_2020-10-28.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O3YewaMMINBRdwiuNKyQzWJ-KHSI1URA/view?usp=sharing | #ps2-land_ice |
58 | Qian, Yun yun.qian@pnnl.gov | Using PPE Simulations and Parametric Sensitivity Analysis to Better Understand Cloud Physics and Parameterization in EAM Over Different Regions and Cloud Regimes | Qian_Yun_PS2-Atmosphere_2020_10_28.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UVjvLZS_MrqCDz3E3gihnuB6cK-AdKEm/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
59 | Reeves Eyre, Jack jackre@uw.edu | Sensitivity of E3SM Energy and Water Cycles to Ocean Surface Flux Algorithm Design | ReevesEyre_Jack_PS1-Water_Cycle_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kthEynNSkglE_CWeeSFyoqtpv1wh_m6V/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-water_cycle |
60 | Ren, Tong tr7585@tamu.edu | Impact of Cloud Longwave Scattering on Radiative Fluxes Associated with the MaddenâJulian Oscillation in the Indian Ocean and Maritime Continent | Ren_Tong_PS2-Atmosphere_2020-10-28.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/15nPmOXTZfcmZgjXObndvTU5TmAZoQNdm/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps2-atmosphere |
61 | Ricciuto, Daniel ricciutodm@ornl.gov | Quantifying Drivers of Uncertainty in Land Model Predictions at Global Scales Using Machine Learning | RIcciuto_Daniel_PS1-BGC_2020-10-26.pptx | https://drive.google.com/file/d/10usvg_Ndhyo3q0zigxzwYm9HfSbfNEDu/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | #ps1-bgc |
62 | Riley, William wjriley@lbl.gov | Impacts of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Co-Limitation on Global Carbon Cycling | Riley_William_PS1-BGC_2020-10-26.pdf | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1icn76qcYWjIAwZ_TXBpsCJNNGMhkKOVo/view?usp=sharing - Connect to preview | |