2020-03-26 All-Hands Presentation Meeting Notes
Presenter: Peter Caldwell
Title: Progress in the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model
Abstract: In this talk I'll provide an introduction to E3SM's new atmosphere model, which is written in C++/Kokkos for use on GPU machines and is targeted at 3 km global resolution. I will describe progress preparing our initial fortran-based 'SCREAMv0' configuration for a 40-day production run and the status of our efforts to port the code to C++/Kokkos to create the 'SCREAMv1' configuration. I will also describe the test-everything strategy we are working under.
- PT: 8:30 am
- ET: 11:30 am
Call Info
- web session: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/570361173
- call number: (571) 317-3122 Access Code: 570-361-173, If busy, use alternate number: (773) 945-1029
Joining from a video-conferencing room or system? Dial: , Cisco devices: 570361173@
- Ruby Leung
- Sam Silva (Unlicensed)
- Katherine Smith
- Shaocheng Xie
- Andrew Roberts
- Sarat Sreepathi
- Teklu Tesfa
- Qi Tang
- Renata McCoy
- Darin Comeau
- Carolyn Begeman
- Wuyin Lin
- Nicole Jeffery
- Matt Hoffman
- Phillip Wolfram (Unlicensed)
- Hui Wan
- Bryce Harrop
- Charlie Zender
- Philip Jones
- Jadwiga Richter
- Michael J Prather
- Trevor Hillebrand
- Sally McFarlane
- Ryan Forsyth
- Hyein Jeong (Unlicensed)
- Jon Wolfe
- Yilin Fang
- Xue Zheng
- Kai Zhang
- Stephen Price
- Yuying Zhang
- Jeffrey Johnson
- Chris Golaz
- Youngsung Kim
- Amrapalli Garanaik (Unlicensed)
- Detelina Ivanova (Unlicensed)
- Susannah Burrows
- Hailong Wang
- Shixuan Zhang
- Michael Brunke
- Daniel Ricciuto
- Gautam Bisht
- Peter Bogenschutz
- Jayesh Krishna
- Mingxuan Wu
- LeAnn Conlon
- Holly Davis (Unlicensed)
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