E3SM V2.1 new features


First release of version 2.1 of the Energy Exascale Earthy System Model contains the following changes from V2.0 (which were summarized in E3SM V2.0 new features )


The atmosphere component remains EAM. There are no major changes in the default configuration since 2.0. New features include: A semi-lagrangian tracer transport for theta-l dycore, a new algorithm for finding the tropopause, new RRM mesh configurations. Add and update SSP370 and SSP585 cases. Restore the FIDEAL case.


The land component is still ELM. There are no major changes in the default configuration since 2.0. Several option features have been added including: implementation of topography-based subgrid structure (topounits) and accompanying parameterizations and atmospheric forcing downscaling methods; a new plant hydraulics scheme; two-way land-river hydrological coupling through the infiltration of floodplain water; an implementation of perennial crops; updates to the SNICAR-AD snow radiative transfer model; and implementation of soil erosion and sediment yield in ELM-Erosion. Each of these new changes is modular in design and can be turned on or off as the user specifies; they are currently being tested in different “BGC” configurations.


There are no major changes in the default configuration since 2.0. A major new optional feature is two-way river-ocean hydrological coupling between MOSART and MPAS-O. This change can be turned on or off as the user specifies, and is being tested in different configurations. See also ELM/MOSART PRs between v2.0 and v2.1

General MPAS improvements

MPAS still provides the components for ocean, sea-ice and land-ice.


Major change since version 2.0 include the addition of the Fox-Kemper et al. 2011 parameterization for submesocale eddies, a correction for barotropic thickness consistency that reduces divergence noise, and the addition of an ocean carbon conservation analysis member.


Major changes since version 2.0 include: A correction to how shortwave parameters are interpolated in the snicar-ad 5-band radiation scheme, the addition of a sea ice carbon conservation analysis member, updates to the default sea ice biogeochemistry namelist parameters to be consistent with version 2.0 improvements to nitrogen cycling and a correction in the ice-ocean dissolved organic nitrogen coupling.


The land-ice component remains MPAS-Albany-landIce (MALI). Major changes since 2.0 include an update to the MALI version and the Greenland mesh.


All components allow regional refinement of their meshes and an example of refinement in and around North America is provided. Carbon budget calculated when heat/water budgets active. Fix a bug in land-atm fluxes for tri-grid configurations.

Other: a small bug in the zenith angle calculation was fixed in the data models.

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