ELM/MOSART PRs between v2.0 and v2.1

The PRs that have been merged to E3SM master between E3SM v2.0, which was created on Sep-29-2021, and present-day with labels Land and River can be searched on Github using the following filter

is:pr is:closed merged:2021-09-29..2022-12-31 base:master label:Land,River

The resulting list of PRs is here.

New features in ELM and MOSART

  1. Implementation of topography-based subgrid structure (topounits) and downscaling methods of atmospheric forcing from atmosphere grid to land topounits. (Implement topounits and downscaling in E3SM by tktesfa2014 · Pull Request #4273 · E3SM-Project/E3SM)

  2. Implementation of a sub-grid topographic parameterization in ELM that quantifies the effects of sub-grid topography on solar radiation flux. (Parameterizations of sub-grid topographic effects on solar radiation in ELM by daleihao · Pull Request #4590 · E3SM-Project/E3SM )

  3. Implementation of two-way land-river hydrological coupling through the infiltration of water on
    the floodplain during the flooding period. (Land-river two-way coupling by donghuix · Pull Request #5017 · E3SM-Project/E3SM )

  4. Implementation of two-way river-ocean hydrological coupling between MOSART and MPAS-O. (Add river-ocean two-way coupling feature by fdongyu · Pull Request #5066 · E3SM-Project/E3SM )

  5. Updates SNICAR-AD snow radiative transfer model to include non-spherical snow grain shape, internal mixing of dust-snow and solar-zenith-angle dependence of surface spectral irradiance under different atmospheric profiles. (Add new features for SNICAR-AD snow radiative transfer model by daleihao · Pull Request #5102 · E3SM-Project/E3SM )

  6. Implementation of the impacts of irrigation, conservation agriculture, crop residue, glacier, and lithology on soil erosion and sediment yield in ELM-Erosion (Add the effects of cropland management and geology to ELM-Erosion by tanzeli1982 · Pull Request #4807 · E3SM-Project/E3SM )




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