2024-07 SciDAC5 PI Meeting & BER Breakout
Dates: July 16th -18th
Venue: Rockville Hilton, Rockville, MD
Format: In Person with hybrid options for plenaries only.
Event homepage and registration: https://web.cvent.com/event/c8d8cf66-adc7-4993-b9a8-6c0b9b1f1712/summary
Full Meeting Agenda: https://web.cvent.com/event/c8d8cf66-adc7-4993-b9a8-6c0b9b1f1712/websitePage:4f5780f1-9811-4588-8a98-fb418e1b1636
Coordinators for BER component of meeting: @Xujing Jia Davis , @Matt Hoffman, @Hui Wan
Further contents on this page:
BER Breakout session and presentations
(Wednesday, Jul 17, 2024, 8:30am-12:45pm ET)
Session 1: 8:30am-10:30am
Time | Presentation/Discussion Topics | Speaker |
8:30-8:35am ET | Remarks from BER AD Dorothy | Dorothy Koch |
8:35-8:37am ET | Remarks from EESSD Director Gary | Gary Geernaert |
8:37-8:45am ET | Introduction from the DOE BER SciDAC Program Manager | Xujing Davis |
| SciDAC Project Update (7x10 minutes) | SciDAC PIs |
8:45-8:55am ET | Project Update – QBO: Improving the Quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) through surrogate-accelerated parameter optimization and vertical grid modification
| Jim Benedict (LANL)
8:55-9:05am ET | Project Update – PAESCAL: Physical, Accurate, and Efficient Atmosphere and Surface Coupling Across Scales | Hui Wan (PNNL)
9:05-9:15am ET | Project Update – ImPACTS: Improving Projections of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and its Collapse Through advanced Simulations | Luke Van Roekel (LANL) |
9:15-9:25am ET | Project Update – SEAHORCE: Study for Exascale Advances in a High-resolution Ocean using ROMS Coupled to E3SM | Katherine Smith (LANL) for Rob Hetland (PNNL) |
9:25-9:35am ET | Project Update – MPAS-SI-MPM: Improved Coupled Climate Simulations in E3SM Through Enhanced Sea-Ice Mechanics | Deborah Sulsky (U. of New Mexico) |
9:35-9:45am ET | Project Update – RDycore: Capturing the Dynamics of Compound Flooding in E3SM | Gautam Bisht (PNNL) |
9:45-9:55am ET | Project Update – FAnSSIE: Framework for Antarctic System Science in E3SM | Matt Hoffman (LANL) |
9:55-10:35am ET | Q&A |
10:05-10:35am ET | Discussion Topic 1: Collaboration between BER domain scientists and ASCR mathematical and computational scientists | Co-chairs/Moderators: Mauro Perego & Shinjae Yoo with participation from all |
Session 2: 10:45am-12:45pm
Time | Presentation/Discussion Topics | Speaker |
10:45-12:30am ET | Overview presentation about future E3SM plans (15 minute each for presentations & questions) | E3SM members from SciDAC team |
10:45-11:00am ET | E3SM Atmosphere component and coupled Simulations | Wuyin Lin (BNL) |
11:00-11:15am ET | E3SM ocean, sea ice and land ice components | Luke Van Roekel (LANL) Matt Hoffman (LANL) |
11:15-11:30am ET | E3SM land and river components | Gautam Bisht (PNNL) |
| Open Discussions (1 hour) | All |
11:30am-12:00pm ET | Discussion Topic 2: Collaboration/coordination between SciDAC and E3SM | Chair/Moderator: Matt Hoffman (LANL) |
12:00pm-12:30pm ET |