2024-01-25 All-Hands Presentation Meeting Notes

Presenter: Peter Caldwell, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Title: Organizational Strategies that Helped SCREAM Win the Gordon Bell


The ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modeling rewards technical accomplishments, but several organizational conditions proved important for enabling that technical work. This first talk in a series about SCREAM will reflect on the aspects of team culture and project strategies that we feel were important for project success. For example, creating an environment where team members feel comfortable asking questions, being questioned, and even being proven wrong allowed us to quickly find and fixing problems as well as come up with approaches which avoid those problems in the first place. Not being on E3SM's critical path was also important because it gave us the freedom to take risks and to work without the crushing pressure of E3SM's future sitting on our shoulders. In this short talk, I will reflect on these and other project features which, in retrospect, ended up being important for this project's success.



  • PT: 8:30 am
  • ET: 11:30 am

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30 min 

Organizational Strategies that Helped SCREAM Win the Gordon Bell

Peter Caldwell

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

MP4 Movie (on the E3SM YouTube Channel)

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