Water Cycle Changes and Impacts Group Breakouts: 2023-06

We will have two breakouts, each lasting 1 hour, afternoon of the first day and morning of the second day.


The idea is to have a series of short talks by WCCI members presenting highlights from the papers they have been working on so to familiarize the group with the collective science results. We will also have a discussion about what Bryce is going to present in plenary the first morning (v3 plan, status update, anything relevant to the short-to-mid term planning of our activities). This is also an opportunity to discuss our paper ideas for the v3 simulations campaign. From the proposal, “The goal of the water cycle v3 simulation campaign is to quantify the uncertainty in the water cycle response to forcing.”


Depending on people’s presence (in person or virtual) and possible conflicts with parallel BOGs (esp. the second day, with the Atmosphere group BOGging at the same time) we will schedule the sequence of talks/their length, and the order with which we do the talks rather than the discussion. We assume the talks will spread over the two days.


Breakout #1 (Monday; joint with Coupled group)

Short talks (5-6 minute talks + 2-3 min Q/A + 2 min transition time) from

@Jim Benedict

@Bryce Harrop

@Salil Mahajan

@Andrew Yarger (Unlicensed)

@Kai Zhang

@Xue Zheng

(shamelessly copying the Coupled groups formatting)

Monday, June 26, 1:00 - 2:00 pm MDT (jointly with Coupled)

Plenary Room, Vail/Steamboat

 Short Talks 5-6 minutes each; 2-3 minutes Q&A

 Short Talks 5-6 minutes each; 2-3 minutes Q&A


@Jim Benedict



@Bryce Harrop



@Salil Mahajan



@Andrew Yarger (Unlicensed)/@Benjamin Wagman



@Kai Zhang



@Xue Zheng



Tuesday, June 27, 9:40 - 10:40 pm MDT

Breakout Room 2, Telluride

Breakout #2 (Tuesday)

  • Discussion on WCCI science campaign


  • What future analyses does our group want to do?

    • Water cycle

    • Aerosol forcing in the CTRL, low-ECS, and high-ECS model (atmosphere-only simulations); if the forcing is significantly different, we might need to look at the anthropogenic aerosol effect in the coupled simulations (need at least two single-member simulations).

    • How land BGC respond to CO2 increase and how does this propagate into the water cycle response

    • Subseasonal variability: tropical convection… and atmospheric blocking?

  • What output do we need to accomplish those research goals?

  • Discussion on v3 NARRM (@Qi Tang has some notes on this topic)



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