Notes for Partner PMs re SciDAC PI Meeting

(info needed by Late April or so)


In person attendance:

  • Total per SC Partnership: 16. (Includes 12 Lab and 4 non-Lab, with the Lab number being a cap.)

  • If a program chooses to have less Lab and more non-Lab – that is fine. Please let me know your distribution by late April.

  • I am holding some extra lab and non-Lab slots as reserve, and we can discuss the distribution in Late April/Early may depending on requests for extra attendees

  • ASCR will manage the attendance slots for the SciDAC Institutes.

  • If there are specific SciDAC Institute PIs that partnerships would like to request, please let me know by Late April and I will try to coordinate.


Day I: 10-minute talks by Partner Program Managers in spirit of partnership portfolio overview and kick- off meeting for SciDAC 5. Talks will be posted on Meeting website 

Day II:  Break-Out Sessions organized by Partner Program Managers

  • It is expected that Breakout session will focus on SciDAC 5 as kick off – though previous SciDAC Successes and continuing activities may be included too.

  • Allocated one Breakout room or the plenary room for each partnership

  • Allocated Four Hours for each breakout session plus 15 min break in between.

  • The timing of the break can be adjusted if you let me know by late April

  • The entire allocated time does not have to be used and attendees (and PMs) may like to attend other sessions in the spare or time or use it as they wish.

  • Partnerships should provide agendas for their sessions by late April so that these can be posted on the website

  • Breakout session talks can be posted on the website linked to Agenda

Poster Sessions on Days I and II

  • Coordinated by partner Program Managers and ASCR (for Institutes) and with ORISE

  • Each Partnership (and Institute) will have their own area and poster boards

  • Poster Space is 4 ft x 4 ft for each poster

  • Programs should provide info on expected # of posters by late April

  • Programs can choose whether to have different sets of posters on the two days or leave them on and assign presenters by groups for each day

  • PDFs of posters can be posted on the website if presenters wish to do so

General Timelines:

  • Provide Breakout Session agendas and other requested info by Late April

  • ASCR to deliver all items to ORISE by early May (main Agenda, Break Out session Agenda etc)

  • Website to go live early June

  • We will list PM names from SciDAC website and emails as contacts for partnerships

  • Begin registration by mid-June

  • Poster List and Submission dates: TBD – suggestions welcome!



Overview of Meeting from approved application form for meeting:

The proposed meeting is an annual event that has historically been attended by more than 150 DOE-funded computational science researchers. SciDAC (Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing) is an Office of Science program that is currently in its fifth round and designated as SciDAC 5.  The main goal of the conference is for SciDAC 5 researchers to present, discuss and learn about recent work and latest advances in using high-performance computing for scientific discoveries for the DOE mission. This goal is accomplished by organizing a two and a half day meeting with an agenda that features presentations by DOE-funded SciDAC research projects; project poster sessions for further and more detailed discussions; and other opportunities for research interactions and sessions focusing on DOE priorities and available resources. The 2023 meeting is especially important as it will serve as a kickoff for the SciDAC 5 Partnership awards.

The SciDAC research community consists of scientists, applied mathematicians, and computer scientists, from various subdisciplines, representing multiple DOE national laboratories, multiple universities, and industry. All Programs within the Office of Science as well as the Office of Nuclear Energy within DOE will participate and be involved in the planning of the meeting. This annual meeting is required to facilitate timely coordination of collective research activities for DOE scientific advances and as mentioned earlier the 2023 meeting is also a kick- off for several SciDAC 5 partnership program awards.

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