ACME V0 Run Analysis/Diagnostics

(copy from  2014-08-14) 


Link to supporting docs of model configuration and runs being performed

For the ACMEv0 simulations, details (code changes, namelists, tuning paramemters) are documented in the google drive shared directory “ACMEv0_simulations”.

That shared directory contains two documents which describe the tuning process used for the F1850C5 simulation and another document with configuration details of the B1850C5 simulation.  In addition there are subdirectories which capture the provenance of the ACME v0 runs.  namelists, code changes and run case directories.


NE120/tx01 F1850C5 Final diagnostics

ACME v0 configuration

casename:   f8150c5_m3

Run for 6 years with final tunings

ATM vs obs

f1850c5_m3 vs OBS (Year 2-6)

f1850c5_m3 vs ACME 1 degree control    

Ice   (prescribed 1850)

Ocean (prescribed 1850)


NE120/tx01 B1850C5

ACME v0 configuration with tunings from F1850C5 run above

casename:   b8150c5_m2  (run on mira, first 12 years)

                    b1850c5_t2  (branch run on titan, starting from mira year 12 run)

Number of years run:  through 35  (as of 2014-5-7)


b1850c5 vs obs years 26-31

b1850c5_t2 vs OBS (latest 20 years (16-35), on Titan)

b1850c5_t2 vs f1850c5_m3 (16-35 years, B1850 vs F1850)

b1850c5_m2 vs OBS (first 5 years (2-6), on Mira)

location of interpolated files:





NE120/f02/tx01 B1850 CAM4

This is a coupled simulation using CAM4-SE.  CAM4-SE was tuned to be similar to the T341 coupled simulations

Standard Diagnostics on years 24-29:

Atmosphere Diagnostics yrs24-29 T85 interpolation (ESMF interpolation)


NE30 F1850C5  (Tuning)

This is a CAM5-SE 1 degree simulation that was tuned to RESTOM=0 based on our ¼ degree tuning.  The main difference between this configuration and the CESM1_2 NCAR default is that we used dp1 instead of c0 to get to RESTOM=0 (as we did for the ¼ degree runs)

Number of years run:  11

casename:  f1850_ne30_rel06            run at Sandia with NCAR default paramemters

casename:  ne30_gx1.F1850c5b        tuned run at ORNL


9 years (2-10), NCAR default parameters:  

f1850_ne30_rel06 vs OBS

ACME final tuned run.  10 years vs NCAR default

f1850_ne30_rel06 vs ne30_gx1.F1850c5d

Ice (prescribed 1850)

Ocean (prescribed 1850)


NE30 B1850 using tunings from F1850

running right now on Titan...

Number of years run:


Diagnostics for years 6-10:

ATM diagnostics yrs 6-10



Initial untuned run to look at balance:

Atmosphere (years 2-4)



Atmosphere Diagnostics  vs Observations


Present Day Transient (BTRANS) using 1948 ocean spinup (years 1982-2005)

Ensemble average of BTRANS (avg. of 5 members)

Present Day Transient (BTRANS) 1982-2005 from 1970 spin up

location of diagnostics tar file:


Ensemble average of new B20TR (T85TrC) (avg. of 3 members)

Present Day Transient T85TrC 1982-2005

location of diagnostics tar file and climos:


First member of new B20TR series:

Present Day Transient 1982-2005 from 1850 spin up

location of diagnostics tar file:


Present Day Transient 1981-2000 from 1850 spin up

climos for 1981-2000 are at


postscript files from the diagnostics are in that directory tarred as t85f09.b20tr.1981-2000.postscript-figures.tar

Present Day (B20TR) Transient vs T85 BTRANS ensemble average 1981-2000

postscript files for the diagnostics are in


Ensemble average:

BTRANS Transient 1981-2000


New Present Day Transient 1982-2005

tar file location: /lustre/atlas1/cli101/proj-shared/mbranst/t85f09.b20tr/ice

t85f09.BTRANS_ens 1982-2005

tar file location: /lustre/atlas1/cli101/proj-shared/mbranst/t85f09.BTRANS_ens/ice

b40.20th.track1.1deg_ens 1982-2005

BTRANS_ens vs b40.20th.track1.1deg_ens


Atmosphere diagnostics:

t85f09.B1850.ini20C.b yrs 20-30 vs obs


Atmosphere diagnostics:

t85f09.b1850.ini20C.a yrs 1-11 vs obs

Sea Ice diagnostics:

t85f09.b1850.ini20C.a yrs 5-11 vs obs

B1850 Control

Atmosphere diagnostics:

t85f09.B1850 years 250-300

t85f09.B1850 years 150-199

t85f09.B1580 years 176-200

t85f09.B1850 years 151-175

t85f09.B1850 years 126-150



These runs are from casename “ne120_f02_t12_B1850a”.     As this is tri-grid, it must be a CAM4 simulation?  I’m moving these to the bottom of the document until a section for this run is created.  

ne120_f02_t12_B1850a vs obs years 5-9

ne120_f02_t12_B1850a years 5-9 vs t341f02.B1850dEdd years 34-43

ne120_f02_t12_B1850a vs obs years 1-2

This run is for casename “ne120_t12.F1850C5, so this looks like an early CAM5 atmosphere only simulation.  Not sure which code base was used.  Just year 2, no global means or zonal means in the diagnostics, so perhaps not worth including here.

ne120_t12.F1850C5 vs obs year 2