Day 2- MPAS-Analysis Practicum
Scripts are available at /global/cfs/cdirs/e3sm/www/Tutorials/2024/scripts/mpas-analysis-practicum
. Copy the available scripts to your local directory (from which you will run the scripts) on perlmutter. Open a blank document either on perlmutter or your computer to answer the questions.
Exercise 1
Goal: Run a short MPAS-Analysis over existing data. Learn to check job status, find and interpret analysis plots. Troubleshoot if necessary.
Files have been prepared to give you a good starting point.
Exercise 2
Goal: Rerun MPAS-Analysis with a modified config file. Learn to add analysis tasks, find the post-processed output files. Learn to troubleshoot (find and logs).
We suggest a few changes that still allow the analysis to run quickly.
Exercise 3 (optional)
Goal: Examine a more comprehensive analysis (standard or polar options). Learn to find and compare config files.
This exercise does not require compute time; it can be done while waiting for Ex1 and Ex2 simulations, or at your leisure any time.
Exercise 4 (optional)
Goal: Examine an existing model-to-model comparison. Learn to find the complete config files and extra options.
This exercise does not require compute time, so it can be done while waiting for Ex1 and Ex2 simulations, or at your leisure any time.